
Albania is a middle-income country with high unemployment (14%-22%) and underemployment, particularly among youth (40%), and a large informal sector (>30%) as key challenges. A functional democracy with improved public services and an inclusive, competitive market economy in support of the European integration are among the goals of international cooperation strategies for the country.
About Albania

Country Facts

  • Area: in km2: 28,748
  • Population: 2,845,955
  • Capital: Tirana

Swisscontact in Albania

  • since 1994
  • 6 running projects


2021 - 2025
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam
Trade, Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Swiss Import Promotion Programme
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a well-established mandate of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation. The programme has been implemented by Swisscontact since 2017 and is now in phase 2 (2021-2025).

The overall objective of SIPPO is to integrate developing and transition countries into world trade. In a facilitation role, SIPPO advises and supports so-called Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in 12 partner countries. Through innovative and targeted export promotion services, BSOs strengthen the export capabilities of companies intending to export and facilitate market access and exports to Switzerland, the EU, and regional markets.
2015 - 2027
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, Vietnam
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Swiss Entrepreneurship Program
The heart of any entrepreneurial ecosystem is the community of entrepreneurs themselves. The Swiss Entrepreneurship Program (Swiss EP) has incorporated this belief and supports building local startup communities bottom up by working with ecosystem leaders and builders since 2015. We do this by working with selected startup support organizations...
2015 - 2027
Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable tourism
Skills for Jobs (S4J)
‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) is a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact Albania. It is part of the Economic Development Domain of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Albania (2018-2021), with specific focus on promotion of employment opportunities and skills development.
2022 - 2026
Labour market insertion, Sustainable tourism, Migration
New Perspectives (Perspektiva të Reja)
The project aims to improve key socio-economic conditions of Kukës County and Dibër Municipality, that often drive people to migrate irregularly to the United Kingdom.
2020 - 2024
Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property
The Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ALSIP) is a development cooperation project between the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Albania. The objective is to contribute to entrepreneurs, creators, researchers and producers in Albania benefiting from the effective protection of intellectual property objects.


Initial vocational education and training
Albanian VET System Gains Momentum at 2024 Winter School
The 2024 Winter School, titled “Internal Mechanisms of Success: Transforming the Albanian VET System,” convened in Albania to address the evolving landscape of vocational education and training (VET). This two-day event brought together key stakeholders, including government officials, educators, and industry representatives, to explore innovative approaches to improving the quality and relevance of VET programs.
Kickstart Project empowered 556 young entrepreneurs (334 women) through financial literacy workshops
Young, disadvantaged entrepreneurs access information and develop their skills during financial literacy workshops of Kickstart Project.
Initial vocational education and training
Interview with Ruth Huber, Ambassador of Switzerland to Albania
Switzerland’s commitment to supporting countries like Albania in dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) is rooted in the belief that a well-qualified workforce is essential for sustainable economic growth. By blending theoretical learning with practical, hands-on experience, dual VET systems have proven to be highly effective in Switzerland and beyond. In an interview, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Albania, H.E. Ruth Huber explains that Switzerland's support helps countries such as Albania develop a modern, skill-based workforce that can respond to today's labor market demands while also contributing to broader goals like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those focused on quality education and decent work.
Country Director Albania
Argjentina Grazhdani

Swisscontact in Albania

Swisscontact’s portfolio in Albania is the largest in the region. Through our projects, we contribute to equitable economic development, by building sustainable systems for vocational skills development and enterprise promotion.

Innovation, labour-market oriented training and private sector involvement are at the core of Swisscontact’s interventions in Albania. The goal is to provide more and better economic opportunities and perspectives to all, but especially to young women and men.

Swisscontact’s work in Albania is an essential part of Switzerland’s development strategy in the country.

Collaboration Opportunities
Want to collaborate with Swisscontact? See available opportunities here.
See here available job opportunities from Swisscontact Albania
The abilities and readiness for action of our employees are decisive for our projects’ ability to achieve sustainable impact, as well as our long-term success. As an attractive employer, Swisscontact invests in a positive management and work culture. This is defined by our fundamental understanding of development intended to serve not only our beneficiaries in project countries but our employees as well.
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1001 Ti­ra­na