
Bangladesh is one of the most populated countries in the world. This poses perpetual challenges in ensuring food security, education, decent jobs, and healthcare systems. However, the large population created an abundant supply of labour and a highly competitive labour market. For this reason, Bangladesh offers very low production costs and has become one of the most cost-efficient production hubs.  
About Bangladesh

Country Facts

  • Area in km2: 148,460
  • Population: 166.59 million
  • Capital: Dhaka

Swisscontact in Bangladesh

  • Since 1970
  • 11 running projects


2022 - 2026
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion, Green cities
Promoting Green Growth in the Ready-Made Garments Sector Through Skills (PROGRESS)
The project seeks to promote a sustainable and inclusive RMG sector that prioritises secure and decent employment (60% women) while adhering to global standards in technology and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance.
2025 - 2028
Green cities, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Trade
Initiative to Stimulate Private Investment for Resource Efficiency (InSPIRE)
The InSPIRE project empowers small and medium RMG factories in Bangladesh to adopt renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions for sustainable, competitive, and inclusive sector that secures decent jobs and fosters gender equity advance compliance with global ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) standards. 
2011 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training
High-quality healthcare services in rural areas
Achieving Sustainability Towards Healthcare Access (ASTHA) aims at contributing to the development and expansion of sustainable and high-quality healthcare at the community level by training young adults (50% women) from seven rural districts as skilled health workers. The ASTHA-project will improve the health and living conditions of the local...
2023 - 2027
Green cities, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Improved Climate Resilient Public Service Delivery through Local Government Institutions in Water and Solid Waste Management (GO4IMPact)
The GO4IMPact programme will help to make public service delivery in Bangladesh's Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Solid Waste Management (SWM) sectors more democratic and climate-resilient.
2021 - 2024
Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia
Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation
The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation is a public-private partnership for trade-led growth, supporting governments in developing and least-developed countries in implementing the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement. By bringing together governments and businesses of all sizes as equal partners to deliver targeted trade reforms, the Alliance cuts through red tape and end costly delays at borders. 
Country Director Bangladesh
Mujibul (Cezanne) Hasan

Swisscontact in Bangladesh

For 50 years, Swisscontact has delivered projects throughout Bangladesh, addressing systemic constraints and creating pro-poor market systems in skills and enterprise development. These projects resulted in creating thousands of decent jobs and improved livelihood options, food security, youth and women’s economic empowerment, financial inclusion and economic growth. 

Besides, Swisscontact incorporates gender equality and social inclusion, environmental responsibility, and good governance across all its projects as sustainability criteria. The organisation operates from a country office based in Dhaka with five additional field offices and employs over 90 long-term national and international staff. 

Our partners
Swisscontact South Asia has been successfully working with partners below for implementing projects.
Internal and Knowledge Sharing Events
Requests for Proposal
We create opportunities
2002 - 2017
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Labour market insertion
Improving Business, Improving Lives.

Between 2000 and 2017, Katalyst has benefitted 4.69 million SMEs and farmers with an income increase in USD 689 million. It is the largest market development project in South Asia.

Bangladesh Country Office Profile

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House 28, Road 43, Gulshan 2
Dhaka 1212,  