Private sector companies in Bangladesh constantly identify low skill level amongst the labour force as one of the fundamental constraints to Bangladeshi growth. The targeted Ready Market Garment and Construction sectors are growing and face a shortage of skilled workers. They have tremendous potential to absorb labour and offer employment opportunities for large numbers of uneducated men and women. SEP-B aims to stimulate private sector investment in training for poor people. Working with the private sector, the programme will support the development of skills-training market and incentivise market players to invest in on-the-job and off-the-job skills training.
SEP-B targets two sectors with high growth potential and ability to absorb large numbers of poor people in skilled and semi-skilled jobs: RMG (Ready Made Garments) and Construction (of houses and buildings) including selected input supply chains. Four core principles are crucial in building a mutually beneficial relationship between private training providers and employers: