Educación y formación técnica y profesional de calidad para jóvenes (QualiTY) (ingl.)

Quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Youth (QualiTY) Project aims to help Nepali youth, including those from disadvantaged groups, benefit from quality education and better employment prospects.
Financiado por
  • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación COSUDE

2022 - 2026

The Project

The project targets to benefit 48,000 youth including those from disadvantaged groups. Out of which at least 60% will be from the disadvantaged groups and 49% women. It targets to train at least 1,000 TVET teachers to assist them to be certified; to empower at least 250 TVET schools to be formally accredited from the national authority.

In addition, the project will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) at Federal level to support implementation of National TVET Strategic Plan, development of standards and frameworks. The project will support Ministries responsible for Education (MoSD/E) in all Provinces for the establishment of TVET institution to implement their mandate in collaboration with Local Governments. 

The project will work directly with the TVET schools to enable them to improve their quality through better visioning, communication and hiring and retaining of trained TVET teachers.

Project Partner

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) implements the project activities at the Federal level. Whereas, in the Provinces, the Ministry of Social Development/Education (MoSD/E) implements the project activities.

Project Goal

Nepali youth, including those from disadvantaged groups, benefit from quality education and better employment prospects

Project Outcomes and Outputs

Outcome 1: MoEST provides coherent national standards and procedures for TVET and monitors quality of their implementation.

  • MoEST develops a participative Plan of Action for TVET.
  • The CTEVT develops national accreditation standard and procedure.
  • CTEVT establishes a national licensing procedure for TVET instructors.
  • CTEVT elaborates national curriculum frameworks & models.

Outcome 2: The Office for TVET in the Provinces implements the accreditation procedure and collaborate with Local Governments to manage TVET schools.

  • MoSD/E forms and capacitates the Office for TVET.
  • The Office for TVET develops provincial TVET schools accreditation procedure on behalf of CTEVT.
  • MoSD/E facilitates coordination with local governments for relevant resources allocation to manage TVET schools.

Outcome 3: TVET schools enrol and retain youth, including from disadvantaged groups, in quality TVET programmes.

  • TVET school principals are mentored and implement a school improvement plan.
  • TVET schools have scholarship policy and communication strategies in place.