Cécilia Chopin-Conilleau

Senior Advisor Inclusive Economic Development

Products & Solutions


Field experience
Long-term assignments: Tunisia, Niger, Nepal, Vietnam, Yemen, Ivory coast

Short-term assignments: Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia, Latin America.

French (mother tongue), English (professional fluency)

Cécilia Conilleau is a highly skilled senior manager, and technical advisor specializing in Inclusive Economic Development, Sustainable tourism development and project result and sector performance measurement, monitoring and evaluation, as well as gender-sensitive approaches. With extensive experience in the economic sector, she has been instrumental in developing national, regional, and municipal strategies for economic growth and stakeholders and community coordination processes, and is adept at managing, coaching, and training. Her expertise allows for the transfer of generic models and knowledge to meet the needs of local contexts' realities.  

Reference projects

Ciudades verdes
Waste to Value
Advisory work for the W2V project: MidTerm review, advisory for next phase proposal
Developing a Sustainable Tourism Circuit in South Rupununi Guyana
Product Development, Assessments, Marketing and Capacity Building” for Compete Caribbean, lead the component “Organizational development”
Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial , Turismo sostenible
Advisory work for Kosovo municipalities, PPSE Project (SDC)
Guiding the development of strategic planning of sustainable tourism for the Municipality of Gjakova.
Albania, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Marruecos, Macedonia del Norte, Perú, Serbia, Sudáfrica, Túnez, Vietnam
Comercio, Formación profesional inicial, Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial , Turismo sostenible
Programa Suizo Para la Promoción de Importaciones
Advisory work for the SIPPO project on sustainable tourism sector strategy and coaching for the sector and BSOs coordination in Colombia, Peru, Albania, and North Macedonia.
Turismo sostenible
Programa de turismo sostenible Suiza-Marruecos (ingl.)
Advisory work for a sustainable tourism development project. Advice and guidance in satisfaction client/tourists’ analysis to improve offers/products and destination experiences
Turismo sostenible
Destino en el sudeste de Túnez: nuevos enfoques y competencias en el sector del turismo (ingl.)
Head of project, then advisory work for a sustainable and governance tourism development project in Tunisia (SECO)
Turismo sostenible
Gobernanza y comercialización del turismo (ingl.)
Advisory work for a tourism governance and marketing project in Tunisia
Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial
Programa de desarrollo ecónomico rural (ingl.) PASDER
The four departments in the northern part of the country (Alibori, Borgou, Atacora and Donga) cover almost three quarters of the country's surface area and are home to just over a third (33.9%) of the population. According to the Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.485, Benin will rank 167th out of 187 countries in 2016. Poverty has increased at...
Burkina Faso
Le Projet d’appui au développement communal (PADC) de Swisscontact au Burkina Faso est un mécanisme d’accompagnement des Communes burkinabè pour la mise en place d’un processus d’amélioration des conditions de vie à travers la création d’emplois et l’augmentation de revenus des populations locales.Soutenu financièrement par le...
Burkina Faso
Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial
Mara Panga
Dans le cadre du service financier, la création de groupes d’auto-financement inspirés de la tontine permettent de contribuer à l’amélioration des revenus des populations qui n’ont pas accès aux services financiers formels.
Formación profesional inicial
Programa de educación alternativa para jóvenes(ingl.)
The project provides a high quality alternative basic education with a leverage effect on the non-formal education system, enabling girls and boys aged 9 to 14 who have not completed school to acquire the basic skills necessary for integration into social and economic life.
Formación profesional inicial, Inserción en el mercado laboral
Programa de soporte para la formación rural en Níger (ingl.)
Swisscontact contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of rural youth in the regions of Dosso and Maradi, by the establishment of a training-system and the integration of trained youths into the labor market.
Formación profesional inicial
Historique du Programme d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle (PAFP) au Mali
Après douze ans, Swisscontact a achevé avec succès le Programme d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle (PAFP) au Mali pour promouvoir la formation professionnelle. Au cours de cette période, plus de 60 000 personnes ont suivi une formation professionnelle. La mise en œuvre d'un plan directeur régional pour la formation professionnelle a été confirmée comme un instrument valable de lutte contre le chômage. Le programme a été financé par la Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) et l'Ambassade royale du Danemark.
Formación profesional inicial
Cursos cortos de formación para la promoción del empleo (ingl.)
The program financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact with the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment (MVTE) aims to improve the employability of young people and the attractiveness of vocational training (VT). Started in June 2013, it brings together the main public VT providers, as...