Programme inclusif de services financiers (angl.)

Since early 2000, access to financial services has received growing attention from policymakers around the world. The realization of achieving financial inclusion is hinged upon widening access and use of affordable financial services and products by a majority of the population. The East African region has not been excluded in its efforts to embrace inclusive finance strategies in an attempt to improve the livelihoods of the underserved populations, as well as expand their overall economic and social dimensions.
Kampala, Uganda
Durée du projet
2006 - 2020
Financé par
  • Fondation ESPERANZA
  • Credit Suisse
  • Canton de Zurich
  • Ville de Zurich, Department des finances
  • Canton Bâle Campagne
  • Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC
  • Dons

The project

Swisscontact established that access to finance remained a prerequisite for a successful and sustainable economy. Through its Inclusive Finance Programme (IFP), Swisscontact concluded that emphasis should not only be pegged on inclusive products and services that were accessible and affordable. Focus should also be placed on both the financial literacy of the population and on the competencies of the workforce who design and deliver these products to the population.

In 2005, Swisscontact undertook a diagnostic survey of the financial sector in East Africa. Based on the lessons learnt and specifically the fact that various types of products and services were offered by different financial institutions, the team put together a strategic plan aimed at guiding the project interventions over the next years. Partnerships were envisioned as the key to future project interventions. Understanding potential partners and their specific operational contexts remained crucial to the success of Swisscontact’s work. This programme implementation strategy was applied across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.


2013 – 2016

  • 980 Mavuno groups were formed comprising 23,557 members. The groups saved CHF 665,181 and disbursed loans amounting to CHF 1,352,338.
  • 2,413 students (1,203 female) enrolled for the microfinance skills course and graduated from universities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
  • 47 newly registered SACCOs with a membership of 99,977 went through capacity building under the SACCO Startup kit designed by Swisscontact and as a result, they mobilized deposits worth CHF 12,724,797 and issued loans worth CHF 14,724,450.
  • 8 SACCOs and 1 housing cooperative went through institutional development and developed 17 savings and loan products to meet the demand of the financial institution members. The financial institutions mobilized deposits worth CHF 16,068,628 and disbursed loans valued at CHF 19,914,017.
  • 22,605 leases on productive assets worth CHF 14,302,491 were issued to smallholder farmers and MSMEs.

2017 – 2020

  • 15,034 beneficiaries (9,953 female) accessed services and products facilitated by the project in Kenya and Tanzania.
  • 11,266 beneficiaries (7,467 female) realized an average additional income of CHF 1302 in Kenya and Tanzania.
  • 10,541 beneficiaries (6,795 female) received leases on productive assets worth CHF 3,397,914 in Kenya and Tanzania.
  • 15,034 beneficiaries (9,953 female) beneficiaries mobilized and cumulatively saved CHF 2,735,950 with Mavuno and SACCOs and loaned out CHF 5,320,393 in Kenya and Tanzania.