Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment for Disadvantaged Young Women and Men (ingl.)

The project improves the opportunities of young adults through vocational training, strengthening cooperation in the training sector, and promoting entrepreneurship in the emerging fields of Information and Communication Technology and food processing.
tillaberi, niger
tahoua, niger
maradi, niger
diffa, niger
dosso, niger
Duración del proyecto
2024 - 2028

The project is embedded in a context of widespread poverty, caused by the social crises that the country has been experiencing for many years. This situation has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of the war in Ukraine. Furthermore, Niger suffers from a severe shortage of qualified human capital across all economic sectors. The population is young, with 70% of the people under the age of 25. Each year, approximately 500,000 young people, with little or no qualifications, enter the labor market. This workforce represents significant human potential that remains untapped due to a lack of quality education and appropriate support structures for labor market integration.

Young women, in particular, require support in entering the workforce. The biggest obstacle to their professional integration is early marriage, which often takes place during their education and forces the vast majority to drop out. Even for those who manage to complete their training, family and social constraints frequently hinder their ability to pursue a career.

The Project

The project aims to improve the employability and, consequently, the living conditions of disadvantaged young women and men through vocational training. It brings together key actors in the vocational training and education sector to optimize existing programs and adapt them to market needs. The project focuses on two promising sectors: new Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) and food processing.

Additionally, the project plans to establish a regional fund to support vocational training and the professional integration of young women and men, as well as to promote and assist entrepreneurship and self-employment. By bridging the gap between labor market demands and the lack of qualifications among marginalized individuals, the project facilitates the social and professional integration of unemployed young women and men.

Project goals

The project enhances vocational training in the agricultural and food processing sectors, as well as in the ICT sector. The focus is on digital solutions to better prepare young people for their professional future. Additionally, the project supports the implementation of an innovation fund to assist emerging entrepreneurs.

The project addresses key elements for improving employability, such as enhanced technical skills tailored to labor market needs, as well as soft skills and entrepreneurial competencies. A strong emphasis is placed on building a trusting relationship with parents and families to facilitate access to education for young people, especially girls and women, ensuring they complete their training and remain employed. Furthermore, the project strengthens support structures, such as funds for professional integration and internship opportunities for young people.

Expected Results 2024 - 2028

  • 600 young adults (50% women) receive training in the agricultural and food processing sector.
  • 225 young adults (50% women) receive training in the ICT sector.
  • 2,560 young adults (50% women) receive support for their enterprise from the regional fund.

Financing partners

This project is financed by the Irene M. Staehelin Foundation, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.