The initiative serves to represent entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries and emerging economies. Through skills transfer and cooperation, select private and public partner institutions work to enhance the economic and social significance of entrepreneurship, fostering entrepreneurial thinking and action.
The initiative creates awareness of the need for support and an enabling environment in entrepreneurship ecosystems in terms of improving the chances of survival rates for start-ups around the world and foster their growth. Donors, investors, and local actors in target countries are brought together. Knowledge exchange within these networks is tested in order to develop effective mechanisms. Emphasis is placed on identifying and eliminating bottlenecks in a company’s access to finance at different phases of its development.
Active inclusion of global entrepreneurship promotion projects makes it possible to aggregate, analyse, and quantify interventions and program results. In turn, these results flow into new and innovative programme models. Longstanding experience and proven procedures can be factored in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, strengthening the services environment for start-ups and thereby fostering open discussion to promote a positive company image.
The project works with local representatives within the business ecosystem to allow them access to knowledge, project approaches, and resources. These activities include the following:
Ce projet était financé par Crédit Suisse. Il faisait partie du programme de développement de Swisscontact, cofinancé par la Direction du développement et de la coopération Suisse (DDC), Département fédéral des affaires étrangères DFAE.