Uganda’s economy is predominantly driven by the agricultural sector, which contributes 24% to the GDP, 33% of export earnings and 70% of employment.
With over 64% of unemployed Ugandans being youth, the country has a growing youth population but insufficient employment opportunities and yet 84% of the population of 47.25 million reside in rural areas and rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.
Contributing 24% to Uganda’s GDP and 70% to employment, the horticulture sector is a key driver to address youth unemployment by offering higher income potential compared to staple crops, and its huge potential for creating employment and economic opportunities for young men and women, thereby presenting capacity to absorb large numbers, especially in rural areas.
Interventions in Horticulture sector also aligns with National Development Goals (NDP IV) of economic growth, poverty reduction, and employment creation.
HortiMarkets Dynamics Uganda’s project harnesses the productive power of young producers, MSMEs, medium enterprises and established businesses in Uganda’s horticultural sector to foster the growth of the selected sub-sectors in the national, regional and international markets that will result in creating green jobs and decent work opportunities for 1800 direct young women and men and 8725 indirect beneficiaries in the targeted locations of Uganda.
To achieve this, the project will facilitate the establishment of robust, lucrative, market-driven and sustainable inclusive value chains in the horticulture sector through demand stimulation and support functions’ (skills, information, inputs, post-harvest and off-farm services, and access to markets) performance strengthening that creates business and employment opportunities for the targeted youth along the supply chains, distribution channels and off-farm service provision.
The general objective of this programme is to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic well-being and economic resilience of 1800 young men and women through creating green jobs and decent work in the on-farm and off-farm activities around the selected horticulture sectors.
To attain the objectives, the project will facilitate number of specific actions around the following three broad project areas: