Villes circulaires en Colombie et Bolivie (angl.)

Le projet vise à améliorer le système de gestion intégrée des déchets solides des villes de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en Bolivie et de Cali en Colombie.
Cali, Colombia
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Zurich, Switzerland
Colombie, Bolivie, Suisse
Durée du projet
2023 - 2028
Financé par
  • Ville de Zurich, Department des finances

Through a city-to-city cooperation, this project aims to collect efforts from two similar cities as for population, industrial development and waste management similarities. Yet each city has its own particularities:

  • The city of Cali is Colombia's third largest city and is an important economic and cultural centre in the Pacific region. According to the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services (UAESP), the city generates 1922 tons of solid waste per day, of which approximately 6 % are utilised (PGIRS or Solid Waste Management Plans, 2019), compared to 17% nationally. Also, Cali faces severe problems related to waste management: improper waste disposal is one of the biggest challenges, contributing to the contamination of rivers, soil, and air, which has a negative impact on public health and the environment.
  • The municipality of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, with a population of 1.9 million inhabitants (INE, 2022), generates an average of 1,825 tons of solid waste per day (24% of Bolivia), including household waste and waste from large generators such as companies, of which 52% is organic, 21% recyclable and 27% non-recyclable. Since 2019, Santa Cruz has implemented differentiated collection of recyclable waste on a pilot basis with the inclusion of waste pickers, but only around 9% of the city's waste is collected in a differentiated manner and is recycled. Waste pickers are the most vulnerable actors in integrated waste management. It is estimated that there are more than 2,000 of them, of which about 1,000 belong to an association, 65.5% are women.

Le projet

As a result of the main problems and the root causes, the four intervention areas are:

  1. Governance: includes the development and improvement of monitoring and control systems related to solid waste in both cities. In addition, specifically for Santa Cruz, the development of focused regulations that promote circular economy and social inclusion in waste management will be promoted, similar to the regulations already existing in Cali.
  2. Public engagement: addresses public commitment and awareness-building campaigns to promote waste reduction and separation at the source in both cities. An inclusive and continuous awareness strategy will be developed, targeting different waste generators such as households, educational units, and businesses.
  3. Waste and recyclables collection: focuses on waste collection and the involvement of waste pickers. The city-to-city cooperation aims to formalise waste pickers organisations and empower them with technical skills through capacity-building and training programmes. Financial products will be developed to provide access to credit for waste pickers, allowing them to improve their collection and transportation processes. Furthermore, the cooperation will support the design and implementation of differentiated collection routes for recyclable and organic waste, as well as the strengthening of collection centres.
  4. Recycling and waste treatment: will focus on technical and financial assistance to strengthen the inclusive waste treatment and trade systems developed by both cities with a special focus on waste picker associations as the basis of the value chain for waste materials.

To ensure sustainability of the project interventions, Swisscontact applies a systemic approach to identify and address the main problems and their root causes, as well as to the main beneficiaries, stakeholders and partners.

Objectifs du projet

The four-year implementation phase of the trilateral city-to-city cooperation project will be guided by tree main impact objectives:  

  1. Reduce environmental pollutants by increasing the recycling rate in Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Santiago de Cali, while generating policies for the reduction of waste generation, which will contribute to the transition of both cities towards a circular economy.
  2. Reduce the use of virgin raw materials through the promotion of the circular economy.
  3. Contribute to improving the living conditions and dignity of waste pickers and their families by improving their work approach and supporting their formalisation.

To achieve and work through the above areas, we have alliances with different stakeholders, which include: 

Public sector:

  • EMACRUZ, Santa Cruz
  • Secretariat of the Special Economic Administrative Unit for the Development of Municipal Public Services of Cali (UAESP)
  • Administrative Department of Planning in Cali
  • Communication Unit in Cali
  • Secretariat of Economic Development Cali (Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico SED)
  • National government / agencies

Private sector:

  • Financial institutions
  • Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz – Bolivia (CAINCO)
  • Asociación Nacional de Industriales (ANDI)

Civil Society – Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO):

  • Carvajal Foundation in Cali
  • Amigarse Foundation in Santa Cruz
  • Fundares in Santa Cruz


Partenaires du projet

  • Alcaldía de Cali, Colombia
  • Alcaldía de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
  • UAESPM (Special Administrative Unit of Public Services), Cali - Colombia
  • DAGMA, Cali - Colombia
  • EMACRUZ, Santa Cruz - Bolivia
  • City of Zurich, Switzerland

Résultats attendus

1. Reduce environmental pollutants and waste: 120.000 households will separate and dispose of their waste correctly.

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: 48.000 tons of CO2 equivalent will be reduced by recycling and waste treatment.
  • Elimination of inappropriate places of waste disposal
  • Reduction of solid waste disposed in landfills

2. Reduce the use of virgin raw materials: 35.000 of recyclable material will be collected.

  • Increase the recycling rates in the cities of Cali and Santa Cruz de la Sierra
  • Facilitate regulations and boost the circular economy in Santa Cruz
  • Starting organic treatment systems in both cities

3. Improving the working and living conditions of waste pickers: 360 existing jobs in waste picker associations are improved.

  • Formalisation of waste pickers associations
  • Increasing incomes by strengthening and establishing new value chains for waste pickers
  • Ensure access to financial resources for waste pickers


Bolivie, Colombie
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Bolivie, Colombie
Villes vertes
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