
Most of Mozambique's population live and work in rural areas. Mozambique is endowed with ample arable land, water, energy, as well as mineral resources and newly discovered natural gas offshore, three deep seaports and a relatively large potential pool of labour. 

Mozambique's main challenge is diversifying the economy. The government seeks to move away from the current focus on capital-intensive projects and low-productivity subsistence agriculture. It aims to strengthen the key drivers of inclusion, such as improved quality education and health service delivery, which could, in turn, improve social indicators.

facts and Figures

  • Area: 801,590 km2
  • Population: 30 million
  • Capital: Maputo

Swisscontact in Mozambique

  • since 2013


Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Advancing Skills Development in Mozambique
Maputo, November 21, 2024 – Swisscontact, in collaboration with its partners, hosted a pivotal forum in Maputo to highlight the achievements and progress of Competency-Based Training (CBT) in Mozambique. Bringing together nearly 80 participants from companies, TVET institutions, government agencies, and development cooperation organizations, the event fostered meaningful dialogue and collaboration among key stakeholders in vocational education and training.
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Celebrating a Milestone in Vocational Education in Mozambique
Today marks an important step forward for vocational education in Mozambique with the awarding of Competency-Based Training (CBT) certificates to 360 young graduates from four renowned Professional Training Centers. These institutions have successfully implemented CBT, aligned with the National Agency for Professional Education (ANEP) standards. This recognition ensures that graduates receive certificates officially recognized by the Mozambican government. Swisscontact with its project Skills to Build has contributed to developing the capacities of training centres to implement Competency-Based Training (CBT) and Recognition of Prior Learning.
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
From Curiosity to Success: How One Man’s Passion Led to a Thriving Painting Business
At the age of 26, Amade Atanásio turned his curiosity about painting into a successfulcareer. With the right training and persistence, he transformed not just his own life butalso that of his community.
2018 - 2028
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Skills to Build
In close collaboration with the private sector, the project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable young people through professional training in the construction and other sectors. By implementing competence-based skills training and certification in public and private training centres, it will increase incomes and employment opportunities for 3 000 vulnerable young people and 50 already employed, low-skilled workers and workshop owners.


Swisscontact works in Mozambique to improve the livelihoods of its inhabitants through interventions designed for the construction and agricultural sectors.

In the North and Central parts of Mozambique, Swisscontact works with the agricultural industry and is committed to ensuring food security for smallholders and stimulating an increase in their production. This allows the target groups to increase their competitiveness in the market through the implementation of an all-inclusive approach that is applied through all projects. To the south, Swisscontact shifts its focus to improving the competitiveness of young people in the construction industry. It implements a construction project to train and certify unemployed youth and low-skilled workers. Success is achieved through collaboration with the private sector, which subsequently creates long-term employment opportunities.

2017 - 2021
Sustainable agriculture
Increasing Incomes of Horticultural Smallholder Farmers in Northern Mozambique
The Horti-Sempre project seeks to improve the livelihoods of local small-scale horticultural producers through adequate facilitation that enables access to relevant products and services which aid in an increased capacity to produce and compete in the market.Agriculture is the foundation of Northern Mozambique’s economy and employs over 80% of...
2017 - 2021
Sustainable agriculture
Increasing Incomes of Horticultural Smallholder Farmers in Northern Mozambique
The Horti-Sempre project seeks to improve the livelihoods of local small-scale horticultural producers through adequate facilitation that enables access to relevant products and services which aid in an increased capacity to produce and compete in the market.Agriculture is the foundation of Northern Mozambique’s economy and employs over 80% of...
2017 - 2020
Sustainable agriculture
Food Security through Climate Adaption and Resilience in Mozambique 
The FAR – Food Security through climate adaptation and resilience - programme started on 1st November 2017 and is implemented by six Implementing Organisations (IOs). They are implementing a portfolio of interventions for tackling food security in the face of climate change. The 6 IOs are coordinated and steered by the Managing Organisation (MO);...
Skills to Build
Regula Chavez-Malgiaritta
Country Director Mozambique and Project Team Leader Skills to Build
Our Team
The abilities and readiness for action of our employees are decisive for our projects’ ability to achieve sustainable impact, as well as our long-term success. As an attractive employer, Swisscontact invests in a positive management and work culture. This is defined by our fundamental understanding of development intended to serve not only our beneficiaries in project countries but our employees as well.


Swisscontact Mozambique has many years of experience in the design and implementation of projects within the Skills Development and Enterprise Promotion working areas.

Project Management

Swisscontact has a proven track record of success in developing and implementing comprehensive and sustainable projects in Mozambique.


Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development

Swisscontact designs interventions that improve smallholder access to suitable products and services which help them increase their output capacity and competitiveness. 

Skills Development

Swisscontact designs and implements non-formal life skills interventions, facilitates capacity building and certifies youth consequently improving their competitiveness in the construction industry.


Other Products and Services

Swisscontact conducts, reviews and updates economic market surveys and is informed on the country-specific economic trends, opportunities and sectors - private and public.

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Swisscontact in Mozambique

Av. Tomás Nduda 410
1101 Maputo