
Swisscontact has been working in Honduras since 1996, focusing on sustainable agriculture, market-based value chains, technical vocational training linked to labour markets and entrepreneurship, local economic development and tourism. Over the years, Swisscontact has become a facilitator between actors of the private, public and civil society sectors, with the aim of joining forces to achieve sustainable, inclusive, economic, social and environmental development in Honduras. Swisscontact has expanded its areas of intervention to high-impact issues such as the creation of opportunities in the labour market and entrepreneurship for young people in Honduras, and the facilitation and promotion of international trade of a sustainable and inclusive exportable supply. In order to contribute to sustainable and widespread prosperity, Swisscontact continues to create opportunities in Honduras through the implementation of development projects.

facts and figures

  • Area: 112,492 km²
  • Population: 9,580,000
  • Capital: Tegucigalpa M.D.C.

Swisscontact in Honduras

  • since 1996


Sustainable agriculture
“Paraíso Verde“: decarbonising the agricultural and forestry sector in the department of El Paraíso
The project will focus on agricultural and forestry value chains, compatible with the agroecological landscape approach, to reduce vulnerability to climate change, improve social inclusion, reduce deforestation and CO2 emissions, and increase forest restoration with better governance and local appropriation.
Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras
Perspectives for Returnees through Social and Professional Integration
This programme aims to improve the social and occupational integration of migrants who have returned to their home countries and individuals vulnerable to irregular migration.
Sustainable agriculture
Empowering coffee producers through training in human rights
Swisscontact joins Nestlé’s initiative “Plan Nescafé” as a technical ally on training and capacity building on human rights, prevention of child labour and women’s economic empowerment in the Honduran coffee sector.
Inclusive Coffee: Promoting sustainable markets
The project seeks to reduce the existing inequalities in the sustainable coffee value chain in order to create more resilient livelihoods for smallholder sustainable coffee farmers.


Promoting inclusive and sustainable development in Honduras through partnerships with the private sector  
Swisscontact joins Nestlé and the CoHonducafé Foundation to strengthen the capacities of Plan Nescafé's agronomy technical staff in the areas of women's economic empowerment and the promotion of respect for human rights in the  coffee value chain. 
Sustainable agriculture
Measuring the Carbon Footprint of Coffee, Cocoa and Livestock Farms using the Cool Farm Tool
In the region of El Paraíso, Honduras, a pilot project is underway to train agricultural staff in measuring the carbon footprint of coffee, cocoa and livestock farms using the Cool Farm Tool. This effort is of utmost importance in El Paraíso, where agriculture plays a vital role in the local economy and sustainability of the region. 
Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Sustainable agriculture, Green cities, Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Investing in women drives progress
This Women's Day, Swisscontact joins the UN's theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress” because we believe that on the road to progress and equality, investment in women plays a fundamental role: it can generate economic growth, innovation and creativity, develops communities, and it promotes sustainability and equality.
Country Director Swisscontact in Honduras
Liliana Sánchez


In order to achieve resilient livelihoods for people, as well as for companies and for the general economy of Honduras, Swisscontact aligns its actions with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These include eradicating poverty, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible consumption and production, and forming partnerships to achieve these goals. To this aim, Swisscontact executes projects sponsored by private and public donors (SDC, European Union, Government of Honduras, among others). 

To achieve the greatest possible impact from the interventions, the projects incorporate scalability (use in other regions), focus on associations (organisations, field schools for agriculture, etc.) and the use of result-based methodologies (logical framework, results chain, monitoring systems, etc.). The experience in Honduras has shown that the path to resilience is linked to the creation of productive jobs and the generation of income. 

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Swisscontact Honduras
Centros de Negocios La Reforma, Col. La Reforma a 30 Mts. de avenida La Paz.

Tegucigalpa; Honduras