These values are to be recognised and respected by all employees. The objective of the Code of Conduct is to provide employees with guidelines concerning their expected conduct at work and in public regardless of their cultural background. Compliance with the Code of Conduct ensures a constructive and innovative working climate based on mutual trust and safeguards Swisscontact’s reputation and operational efficiency.
A breach of the Code of Conduct may have serious consequences for victims and weaken the integrity of Swisscontact. Swisscontact, therefore, considers reporting potential breaches of Code of Conduct crucial to fight individual misbehaviour or corruption, fraud and conflicts of interest. Victims and witnesses of misconduct related to activities of Swisscontact have the right and the obligation to report cases immediately. Therefore, Swisscontact has defined a reporting mechanism and different reporting channels.
Express yourself clearly and confidently if you feel offended by specific comments or actions or suspect a violation of the Code of Conduct by another employee:
Swisscontact has signed up with Safecall, a professional reporting service with a whistleblowing hotline. Internal and external whistleblowers, such as suppliers and partners can report anonymous or namely by phone or online on Safecall's internet platform.The experts of Safecall receive complaints in over 170 languages and transmit them to the person in charge at Swisscontact. The confidentiality and anonymity of the informer are respected. Safecall provides the following contact options: