
Kosovo labour force grows by some 30,000 new entrants annually, but economic trends fall short to generate the jobs needed. Youth, women, and minorities are the most excluded. Lack of SME innovation and of relevant, affordable market support services limit SME growth. As sustainable sector growth has the highest potential to create SMEs and jobs, the private sector development and job creation remain the main goals of the Kosovo Government.
About Kosovo

Country Facts

  • Area in km2: 10,908
  • Population: 1,782,115
  • Capital: Prishtina

Swisscontact in Kosovo

  • since 2001
  • 4 running projects


Albania, Kosovo
Labour market insertion
Boost Employment: Continued efforts for labour market inclusion in Albania and Kosovo
After the successful 10-year intervention for the employability and economic integration of marginalized and youth groups - based on the “Coaching for Employment” methodology - Boost Employment Project brings Swisscontact’s support to labour market in Albania and Kosovo to another level.
Initial vocational education and training, Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Matching Skills to Jobs (MSJ)
Matching Skills to Jobs is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by Swisscontact. The project is part of the Swiss Portfolio Outcome 2 of the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2022-2025, which is aligned with the SDC's strategic orientation in the field of education, in particular improving governance, quality and relevance.The MSJ project aims to bring about significant progress in the vocational education and training (VET) system in Kosovo by establishing a governance structure that is not only adaptable, but also promotes effective cooperation between private and public stakeholders.
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, Vietnam
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Swiss Entrepreneurship Program
The heart of any entrepreneurial ecosystem is the community of entrepreneurs themselves. The Swiss Entrepreneurship Program (Swiss EP) has incorporated this belief and supports building local startup communities bottom up by working with ecosystem leaders and builders since 2015. We do this by working with selected startup support organizations...
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Promoting Private Sector Employment
Kosovo has grown moderately at an average rate of 4% in the last few years (pre-COVID 19) and is constantly facing growing labour force, while the labour market falls short of generating the jobs needed to absorb the new entrants (around 30,000 annually). Formal employment makes around 75% of the overall employment, with public sector accounting for 25% of formal jobs. Youth, women, and minorities (particularly the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian) remain the most excluded groups. The COVID-19 pandemic did not spare Kosovo’s economy from its devastating impact.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Fostering Employment and Growth Opportunities (FEGO)
The FEGO project aims to generate employment and income for women, men, and youth, presently living in poverty and socio-economic marginalization. The project seeks to reach sustainable and scalable growth of micro/small (family) business and start-ups, in three main sectors where the project is focused: apparel, furniture and rural tourism. 


Albania, Kosovo
Leonita Cenaj's hope-filled journey through her eyes
Leonita Cenaj's eyes hold a story beyond her years, at just 20, they reflect hardships well-lived. They reveal missed opportunities and dreams blocked by limited education options and a lack of opportunity in her village.
Kosovo Furniture Industry Goes Global At Stockholm Furniture Fair 
Kosovo's wood processing and furniture industry recently made a significant step towards global recognition, with ten companies showcasing their products at the Stockholm Furniture Fair. 
Wood processing companies from Kosovo shine at Swissbau Fair
Every two years, the Swissbau Fair opens its doors to a wide range of construction industry companies and offers a peek into craftsmanship and innovation of the industry. Among the companies that exhibited at this year’s Swissbau Fair, 12 Kosovo companies from the wood processing, fenestration, and facade sectors showcased their products and innovations to thousands of fair visitors and industry representatives.
Country Director Kosovo
Argjentina Grazhdani

Swisscontact in Kosovo

Swisscontact’s key objective in Kosovo is to strengthen the private sector, improve business conditions and create a dynamic labour market that offers job and business opportunities to all. The focus is on the unemployed youth, women, and minorities.  

In Kosovo, Swisscontact works across several segments of economic life in the country, from supporting job creation in the food and natural ingredients and tourism sectors to supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition, Swisscontact trains coaches, enabling them to guide young people into the world of work.

This is done in collaboration with a broad spectrum of local partners from the government institutions, private sector, education institutions and business organizations.  

Swisscontact’s work in these sectors is an essential part of Switzerland’s development strategy in the country. 

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Swisscontact in Kosovo
Rr. Bekim Fehmiu K-P H-1 N-1
10000 Pr­ishtina, Kosovo