Senior Expert Contact

Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise – passing on technical skills through hands-on volunteer work.  Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide direct and uncomplicated support to companies and institutions who aim to grow.
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The project

By undertaking volunteer assignments, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts pass on specialist knowledge exactly where it is needed. In this way, the benefits of professional support are accessible to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and institutions in developing countries.

An SEC expert can be requested by an SME, training centre or other institution, which requires professional expertise to solve an operational challenge but which couldn’t afford this advice at market prices.


Each year, experts conduct over 70 advisory missions for SMEs and institutions.

Today, more than 700 mainly retired technical experts, ranging from craftspeople to hotel managers to marketing specialists, share their expertise and valuable professional experience. 
Since 1979, SEC has carried out over 3,000 assignments, with experts having provided roughly 1,200,000 hours of voluntary work. This is equal to an estimated 45 million Swiss francs.

SEC assignments result in:

  • Improvements in product quality
  • More efficient workflows
  • Improved working conditions
  • Higher competitiveness in the local market
  • Job creation
  • Poverty reduction

Financing partners

This project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 


Sustainable agriculture
Swiss-Nepal Collaboration Boosts Koshi’s Dairy Sector: Innovation Reduces Import Dependency
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC funded project, Sahaj, hosted a “Showcasing and Tasting of Diverse Dairy Products” event. The event featured the winners of its second round of the Challenge Fund. Challenge Fund has contributed to strengthen the dairy sector of Koshi Province by reducing import dependency and has also improved the livelihoods of thousands of farmers in the province.
Global Expertise, Local Impact - 30 Years of Senior Expert Contact Programme in Nepal
Kathmandu, 6th December 2024 — Swisscontact celebrated the 30th anniversary of its Senior Expert Contact (SEC) global programme in Nepal, reaffirming its position as a partner in Nepal’s economic development. At a milestone event held at Hotel Yak & Yeti, Swisscontact brought together industry leaders and tourism innovators to reflect on the programme’s profound impact and chart a path forward for a greener, more inclusive tourism sector.
Sustainable agriculture, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Expanding the Cohort Two Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme
After the success of the first cohort, the Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme is entering its second cohort of business acceleration programme in Koshi Province. This second cohort saw a 160% increase in applications compared to last year, with 169 enterprises applying for the programme, 44 enterprises were women led. After a rigorous selection process, 24 businesses (4 women led) were shortlisted for the next round. The first round of induction training took place on November 14-15, 2024, where selected enterprises were introduced to the programme’s curriculum and objectives. As the programme progresses, more businesses will be equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to grow, scale, and secure investment. To learn more about the success of the First Accelerator Programme visit: Sahaj Supported Acceleration Program Nets NPR 200 million Initial funding for Five Agribusinesses - News - Site.