
In Niger, the rural informal sector generates between 80 and 90% of overall employment, which primarily comprises agriculture and animal husbandry. Above and beyond the difficult overall situation, the country is facing the challenge of integrating young people into the professional world. It is rendered all the more challenging by lack of skills and professional experience, which in turn is attributable at least in part to an inadequate vocational education. 

Swisscontact in Niger

  • since 2005


  • Area: 1,268 million km²
  • Population: 22,44 million
  • Capital: Niamey


2024 - 2028
Initial vocational education and training
Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment for Disadvantaged Young Women and Men
The project improves the opportunities of young adults through vocational training, strengthening cooperation in the training sector, and promoting entrepreneurship in the emerging fields of Information and Communication Technology and food processing.
2019 - 2028
Initial vocational education and training
Alternative education programme for young people
The project provides a high quality alternative basic education with a leverage effect on the non-formal education system, enabling girls and boys aged 9 to 14 who have not completed school to acquire the basic skills necessary for integration into social and economic life.
2020 - 2025
Niger, Burkina Faso
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Bridge Youth Connect
The purpose of YC is to facilitate access to strategic economic and social opportunities for vulnerable youth in Niger and Burkina Faso. 
2023 - 2027
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
For an attractive and market-oriented vocational training system.The project aims to develop a regulated, attractive vocational training system adapted to the needs of the local market, involving the agricultural and semi-industrial private sector, in order to integrate young women and men between the ages of 15 and 35 into the labour market.
2021 - 2025
Labour market insertion, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Local entrepreneurship promotion programme 
The programme objective is to create jobs and income opportunities for women and youth in rural Niger through the promotion of entrepreneurship and facilitating access to markets. In particular, the empowerment of women is to be promoted. This opens up new opportunities for economic and social development of these two border regions that depend significantly on agriculture and industry.


Initial vocational education and training
Swiss Cooperation Visit to Maradi: Advancing Alternative Education and Empowering Youth Integration
From November 25 to 27, 2024, the Maradi region in Niger hosted a high-level delegation from the Swiss Cooperation, led by Mr. Nicolas Randin, Deputy Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in charge of Africa. Accompanied by Mr. Rémy Duven, Head of the West Africa Section of the SDC, and Mr. Claudio Tognola, Head of Swiss Cooperation in Niger, the mission aimed to assess the progress and impact of the Alternative Education Program for Youth (PEAJ), implemented by Swisscontact and Médecins du Monde.
Mali, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso
Initial vocational education and training
Sustainable Development in Fragile Contexts: A Complex Quest
In the 21st century, humanity is pursuing an ambitious mission: to make our world more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous for everyone. This vision, encapsulated in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), unites nations, international organizations, and NGOs in the effort to improve living conditions, reduce inequalities, and promote social cohesion. However, while the SDGs offer a hopeful roadmap, achieving them in fragile contexts - regions plagued by political instability, conflict, natural disasters, and poverty - is an especially formidable challenge.
Labour market insertion, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
An entrepreneurial Vision for Niger’s Digital Future
Niger ranks among the world’s poorest countries. Despite the Sahel region’s interior harbouring valuable raw materials, the majority of the country’s gross domestic product is earned in agriculture and the informal sector. Approximately 80 percent of the population survives on subsistence agriculture, and nearly half of Nigeriens live in extreme poverty. The goal of Swisscontact’s local entrepreneurship promotion programme (PROMEL) is to improve collaboration with institutional partners and the private sector, improving access to markets for businesses, and creating income opportunities for women and young people through educational qualifications.
Dirécteur Niger
Emile Rudasingwa

Our approach

Our strategy involves supporting local economic development through the promotion of a modern educational and vocational training system, thereby helping young people to successfully join the professional world and social life. 

To this end Swisscontact is developing market-friendly and contextual vocational training that meets local developmental needs and ensures participation and inclusion of local stakeholders. We support young people in their efforts to successfully join local economic life, by empowering them and increasing their employability. 

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Quartier Dar Es Salam, Cité STIN, BP 12 676 Niamey

En venant de la station Ola Energy, prenez le pavé Dar Es Salam et tournez à gauche juste avant la pharmacie Say. Prenez le deuxième couloir à droite. Le bureau se trouve sur votre gauche.

Les coordonnées GPS sont : 13°32'20.0"N 2°05'51.4"E