
Peru, a demonstrably stable economy in recent decades, is driven largely by the abundance of natural resources and the high price of commodities on the world market. However, the prevalence of employment in the informal sector (more than 70%), limited access to health services, low quality of education, and high level of corruption, remain a problem for the country. 

facts and figures

  • Area: 1,28 million km²
  • Population: 33,000,000
  • Capital: Lima

Swisscontact in PerU

  • since 1966


2024 - 2028
Green cities, Upskilling and Reskilling
Progressive Housing project
The Vivienda Progresiva project aims to improve the supply of and access to services, products and technologies that allow families to improve their living conditions and reduce construction errors generated during the progressive development of their homes. This will contribute to the reduction of seismic risks and improve the structural resilience of housing. 
2025 - 2028
Peru, Bolivia
Sustainable agriculture, Sustainable tourism
Amazon Prosperity 
Amazon Prosperity protects forests and biodiversity, improves livelihoods for small producers and Indigenous communities in Peru and Bolivia, and cuts carbon emissions through agroforestry, inclusive value chains, and landscape management.
2021 - 2025
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam
Trade, Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Swiss Import Promotion Programme
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a well-established mandate of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation. The programme has been implemented by Swisscontact since 2017 and is now in phase 2 (2021-2025).

The overall objective of SIPPO is to integrate developing and transition countries into world trade. In a facilitation role, SIPPO advises and supports so-called Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in 12 partner countries. Through innovative and targeted export promotion services, BSOs strengthen the export capabilities of companies intending to export and facilitate market access and exports to Switzerland, the EU, and regional markets.
Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Nepal, Peru
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Senior Expert Contact
Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise - Imparting technical skills through volunteer work Through their services, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide hands-on, direct support to companies and institutions in their efforts to grow.
2023 - 2026
Sustainable tourism
Collaboration Programme for the Competitiveness of the Tambopata Tourism Destination Sector
To improve the sustainability of this tourist destination and the competitiveness of its value chain, thus contributing to conserve the forests, and improving the quality of life of the local communities. These challenges arise from the urgency of achieving an optimal tourism destination management system that allows the different authorities, relevant stakeholders, and professionals, to coordinate this destination management system to spearheads the process under a coherent strategy and a collective vision, which pursues a common goal: the competitiveness and sustainability of the destination.


Vivienda Progresiva: Oportunidad para construir comunidades sostenibles y resilientes 
Llevamos al evento mundial de mayor relevancia relacionado a vivienda, el Foro Urbano Mundial (WUF12), las soluciones para alcanzar viviendas más seguras y saludables en el Perú. 
Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Sustainable agriculture, Green cities, Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Investing in women drives progress
This Women's Day, Swisscontact joins the UN's theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress” because we believe that on the road to progress and equality, investment in women plays a fundamental role: it can generate economic growth, innovation and creativity, develops communities, and it promotes sustainability and equality.
Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico
Green cities
Transforming Public Transport in Bogotá with electric buses and women empowerment
La Rolita is revolutionising the public transport in Bogotá through the use of 195 electric buses. The Climate and Clean Air Programme (CALAC+) shares examples like this with representatives of the transport sector in Latin America.
Directora País
Cecilia Rivera


Swisscontact began its activities in Peru 54 years ago (in 1966). Since then, our portfolio of projects and services has evolved according to global priorities and the countries in which we work. At present, it focuses on ecosystem facilitation and capacity building in agriculture, food security, trade and exports as well as technical and professional training, business promotion, the environment and adaptation to climate change, within the framework of resource efficiency and private sector development.

Motivated and productive employees with initiative constitute the most important success factor in all areas of our work. We count on individuals who are looking to the future, impact- and team-oriented, and want to work in international development cooperation.

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Swisscontact Perú
Calle José Gálvez 692, Piso 7, Miraflores  