Collaboration with the Private Sector

Swisscontact was founded over 60 years ago by representatives of the Swiss private sector. Collaboration with the private sector is in our DNA. We leverage its capital to foster economic growth that is environmentally and socially sound, and we believe that together we can achieve more. 

Sustainable development and prosperity in developing countries and emerging economies: to achieve these objectives, Swisscontact leverages the private sector. It is a fact that collaboration with the private sector is essential, also in regards to implementing Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Thanks to our longstanding collaboration with global and local private sector partners, we are able to implement innovative, market-friendly initiatives in order to deal with development challenges on the local level. It is only in this way that we can provide comprehensive economic development support and consequently achieve sustainability along with effective impact.

Swisscontact as a bridgebuilder

Swisscontact is working together with various partners, including government offices, civil society institutions, global and local companies, investors, and donor institutions. As an intermediary, we connect these actors and harness their various abilities and knowledge to develop sustainable development solutions.  

The private sector’s important role

Common values are becoming ever more important in our increasingly connected world. The interests of private companies are overlapping increasingly with the global development goals.  Swisscontact builds on these and promotes the creation of strategic partnerships between international development cooperation and the private sector. This results in market-based, long-term projects for sustainable development.

Market-oriented solutions for sustainable development

Private-sector and market-friendly approaches as well as environmentally and socially sustainable market economics create the best conditions for people to reach their full potential. To achieve this, Swisscontact is leveraging the knowledge, innovative technologies, skills, and resources of the private sector. We firmly believe that applying market-friendly approaches and investment is a sustainable path toward achieving broad outreach and higher impact, to ultimately strengthen the resilience of people and communities. At the same time, we aim to close the technological and financial gap to ensure the global development goals can be achieved.  

What we offer

Swisscontact enables partnerships with companies and investors to advance development and take on the challenges that companies face, from value chain stability through investment in the local private sector, and ultimately to training skilled labour.

Establishing public-private partnerships with local and international companies and development agencies

These partnerships are based on mutual interests and intentions shared by the private sector and society at large. The goal is to connect resources, risks, and responsibilities. Swisscontact plays a neutral key role in initiating these partnerships, in the exchange of skills, technologies, and financial resources, and in project implementation.

Designing and implementing development projects with Swiss companies in various sectors and value chains

Swisscontact supports private sector initiatives, developing solutions with companies to foster the local private sector. By supporting local market systems and value chains over the years, Swisscontact has built extensive networks and contacts for the benefit of local businesses.   

Examples include fostering local entrepreneurship, creating sustainable value chains, or establishing sustainable, environmentally friendly food production in the field of regenerative agriculture.

Sustainability and responsibility: the key to future companies’ success

Companies that value the environment, promote social justice, and stand out for their solid business management, will be even more successful in the future. Complying with such ESG criteria offers businesses security for the future, ensuring that they focus on sustainable and responsible practices. It helps them to secure their long-term competitiveness and prepare for a robust future.

Swisscontact supports companies to integrate the ESG criteria, equipping them for current and future business challenges. They ultimately profit from the benefits of responsible commerce.

Our strengths

  • Global presence
    Through our strong presence in over 40 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, we have built an extensive network and partnerships with national and local governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations. Together, we develop sustainable initiatives that are implemented and directed by local actors on-site.
  • Positive impact
    Swisscontact employs systematic impact assessment in all its activities. We have achieved proven positive impact in the fields of vocational education, inclusive growth, and climate protection.
  • Comprehensive technical expertise
    We understand the relationship between political, social, and environmental factors. This helps us achieve broad outreach for our work and share our technical experience and skills. Ultimately, we are able to create synergies and support the development of resilient communities.
  • Persuasive power
    Swisscontact brings together the private sector, state authorities, research institutions, and civil society to promote large-scale economic development for long-term, measurable sustainability and impact. Swisscontact sees itself as a catalyst and intermediary of such processes.
  •  Innovation
    Our economic initiatives are based on research, technology, innovation, and skills transfer. They open new horizons to foster employability, productivity, and growth. The companies Swisscontact supports help accordingly to advance development.
  •  Partnership opportunities
    Swisscontact focuses on releasing the potential of private initiatives, offering businesses the opportunity to collaborate on various types of projects and initiatives. Companies thus can improve their image and reputation, ultimately reaching new markets. 
The private sector as partner
For over 60 years, Swisscontact has been working with the private sector to foster sustainable development, incomes, and jobs in developing countries and emerging markets. We believe this collaboration enhances the impact and sustainability of our interventions. Together, we can achieve more.
Projects with the Private Sector
Examples of our projects where the private sector is brought on board to foster economic growth in various sectors, countries, and geographic contexts