One of the learnings from the implementation of the Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP), the predecessor to ISA was the lack of a coordination services to the private sector in the agriculture machinery domain. Therefore, the Agribusiness Machinery Association in Cambodia, (AMAC) was envisioned so that the machinery association could provide a common voice for the private sector. This will help the competitiveness of the industry and the smallholder farmers getting easier access to the machinery of their services. AMAC’s presence will also support the introduction of new machineries and the Government’s vision to mechanize agriculture in Cambodia. Mechanization in turn helps the small holder farmers to be more productive. Under the direction of Department of Agriculture Engineering (DAEng), ISA in Phase 1 supported the formation of AMAC.
The Agribusiness Machinery Association in Cambodia, (AMAC) aimed to connect important actors of agricultural sector in Cambodia and relevant association to establish network nationally and internationally in order to explore through new technologies training, exhibition and study tours. AMAC was also envisioned to provide the space for the private sector to discuss opportunities and challenges in their businesses and possibly lobby for changes with the Government.
The institutionalization vision for AMAC was for it to be an independent association for the private sector involved with importing and exporting agriculture machinery. However, due to internal and external limitations, this vision will not be pursued.