One of the key problems of extension is for the small holder farmers to see the successful operations of the new technologies. The current system is that the private sector introduces new technologies through demonstration. However, for technologies which are new, and the market is not fully guaranteed, the private sector is hesitant to demonstrate the technologies. Hence, technology parks affiliated with universities would provide the platform for the private sector to demonstrate technologies.
Agricultural extension services for smallholder farmers are still limited, which indicates the lack of accessibility of agricultural services, knowledge transfers for new technology information for smallholder farmers. To address this issue, the Agriculture Technology Parks aim to take a private sector approach to deliver the products and to address the issue of limited commercial orientation on new practices and technology information. The Technology Parks then become hubs of knowledge with better engagement with the private sector and the community.
The Agriculture Technology Parks aims to be hubs of knowledge with networks and connections with various private sectors. The extension hub would help farmers get access to new sustainable technologies, pilot testing, and adopt the practices to increase more yield and earn more income for smallholder farmers in the area. The parks are envisioned to be under the National University of Battambang.