2022: a challenging year and a reinvigorated Foundation Council

Although the negative circumstances this past year have presented difficulties for international development cooperation around the world, in 2022 Swisscontact was still able to successfully implement 133 projects in 41 countries. These included business development projects, thanks to which around 3.8 million people gained access to better products and services. Starting in 2023, Swisscontact will gain even more knowledge and experience through our Foundation Council.

In a challenging 2022, Swisscontact’s development work was more important than ever. “The changed situation in the world and global challenges constitute an additional burden for people in developing countries”, explained Thomas D. Meyer, Foundation Council President, in an editorial for the 2022 Annual Report. Rising poverty, high energy and food prices, and the increasingly dramatic effects of climate change presented enormous obstacles to the changes we so strive for, according to Meyer. Consequently, flexibility was needed in the various Swisscontact projects, especially from the many international and local partners with whom Swisscontact collaborates on the ground. Thanks to such international cooperation, in 2022, we were able to implement 133 projects across 41 countries.

Annual Report 2022