A tool that measures the impact of vocational training on youth employment

Labour market insertion
Swisscontact in Honduras has launched SISPROJOVEN, a monitoring and evaluation software developed by the ProJoven project to measure the impact of vocational training on job placements of young people.

SISPROJOVEN is a data monitoring tool designed within the Projoven project in order to follow up on trained young people and find out if the vocational training they received has resulted in job placements.

It is intended to be used by training centres and technical training institutes to keep a record of training activities that facilitate access to the labour market.

“The system can be used from any device with internet access. The web platform becomes a database that contains the number of young people enrolled, type of training and courses taken, and if an enterprise was created," said Castellón, who facilitated the workshop about the tool. 

José Canales, programmer at INFOP, expressed that the idea of ​​compiling all the information in a single database makes it easier for institutes to manage the comprehensive information. 

Norma Días del Valle, coordinator of guidance unit of the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFOP), underlined the importance of having this type of platform since in addition to training, youth also need to be supported to enter the labour market.

"I congratulate ProJoven because this is a tool that will help the institutions that train young people to have a single system at the national level for monitoring and follow-up of vocational training."
Norma Díaz del Valle, coordinator of the guidance unit of the National Institute for Vocational Training (INFOP) 

Representatives from non-governmental organisations World Vision and CESAL, the National Institute of Vocational Training INFOP, National Commission for the Development of Alternative Non-Formal Education CONEANFO, Jovenes METAS, United Way, Libre Expresión, training centres Virgen de la Paz and San Juan Bosco all participated in the workshop. 

José Portillo, project manager of Jovenes Meta, noted that it is vital for organisations implementing projects in Honduras to have a monitoring tool since in the past it has been a weakness to be able to measure the results of how many young people were inserted into the labour market.

"We have already implemented SISPROJOVEN and we know how well it works. The tool organises the information better and allows us to know in real time which population we are working with in order to have the actual figures."
José Portillo, project manager Jóvenes Meta 

The project Professional Training for Young People (ProJoven), contributes to improving the living conditions of vulnerable young people through quality technical training that allows them to enter the labour market. It is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, implemented in Honduras by Swisscontact.

2018 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Professional training for young people (Projoven)
The population of Honduras suffers from poverty, violence, corruption and unemployment. According to the National Statistics Institute of Honduras (INE), the unemployment rate is slightly over 7%; however, if the under-employment rate is added to this, it surpasses 40%, with young people comprising the largest group of unemployed. Furthermore, this...