The 17-year-old Maman Lawan lives with his uncle in the Birni district of Zinder and is in a vulnerable situation: after being expelled from school in 6th grade, and having no point of reference or way to generate an income, he gradually turned to delinquency with friends in the neighbourhood.
His life changed completely when he was offered this training. He seized the opportunity and got involved in learning a trade. After the training, he was able to use some of the materials from the training, enabling him to start a small business.
Maman started selling small dishes in front of his house while waiting to find a place to set up a shop. In the first week of his business, he earned 6,500 CFA francs (CHF 11.-) in revenue per day. Little by little, he managed to save money.
Today, he has savings of 45,000 CFA francs (CHF 75.-). He plans to open a restaurant in the city of Zinder to provide quality dishes in his neighbourhood and in the city.
For the young people in his neighbourhood, Maman Lawan is becoming an exemplary point of reference with the activities he is carrying out.
The pilot project to support the socio-professional integration of juvenile prisoners (PAPJ) is financed by UNICEF and implemented by Swisscontact.