Advocating for labor rights, safety, and fair treatment in the workplace on the occasion to commemorate May Day 2024

Upskilling and Reskilling
“Swisscontact Bangladesh’s Promoting Green Growth in the Ready-Made Garments Sector Through Skills (PROGRESS) project and the donor Embassy of Sweden have come together to commemorate International Worker’s Day 2024. The event was held at the Leed Certified Gold Factory SQ Celsius Limited - Unit 01 in Gazipur, Dhaka. It focused on the theme of " Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate ".

The event featured insightful speeches from Mr. Ikarmul Sohel, Senior National Programme Officer at the Embassy of Sweden (Online), Mr. Mir Rafiat Salman, Senior Manager at Swisscontact for the Promoting Green Growth in the Ready-Made Garments Sector Through Skills (PROGRESS) project, Mr. Gamini Nawarathne, GM-Operations at SQ Celsius Limited, Mr. Chaminda Jayaweera, Head of Sustainability at SQ Celsius Limited, and Mr. Joynal Abedin, Head of Factory HR at SQ Celsius Limited, among others. Around 50 attendees, including representatives from factory management and workers, gathered at the event to demonstrate their commitment to advocate for labor rights, safety, and fair treatment in the workplace.

Engaging activities, such as interactive sessions on occupational health conducted by SGS Bangladesh, raised awareness among the workers. Additionally, SGS Bangladesh is currently collaborating with SQ Celsius on capacity building regarding the Global Reporting Initiative standard to ensure better compliance and transparency within the factory. The event also featured cultural performances by factory workers, as well as recognition and appreciation for their outstanding contributions from the factory owners and other stakeholders.

The event concluded with participants taking a symbolic pledge, expressing their dedication to integrating the spirit of the International Worker’s Day into both their personal and professional lives. This engagement also served as an opportunity to acknowledge the significant contributions made by individuals and organizations in the collective effort to promote workers' rights and build a fairer, more equitable future. It paid tribute to the vital contributions of RMG workers, recognizing their pivotal role in driving economic growth while championing social justice and decent work for all.


Press Release: Swisscontact, Embassy of Sweden, and SQ Group celebrate May Day

2022 - 2026
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion, Green cities
Promoting Green Growth in the Ready-Made Garments Sector Through Skills (PROGRESS)
The project seeks to promote a sustainable and inclusive RMG sector that prioritises secure and decent employment (60% women) while adhering to global standards in technology and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance.