ASTHA and Zynax Health are scaling up enhanced healthcare services for rural communities

Initial vocational education and training
Zaynax Health and ASTHA have collaborated to address the pressing issue of limited healthcare access in rural Bangladesh. Patients in rural areas face significant challenges, including geographical distances and financial constraints when seeking medical care. Furthermore, technological barriers hinder their ability to access telemedicine services. Building on the success of a pilot program in Nilphamari and Patuakhali districts, ASTHA is scaling up its partnership with Zaynax Health to extend quality healthcare services to more rural communities.

Community Paramedics (CPs) provide primary healthcare services to the poor and underprivileged communities at the grassroots. Patients are referred by CPs to other healthcare facilities for critical and complex problems. However, they often fail to pursue further follow-up or visit the referred hospitals due to distance and the associated costs. Additionally, rural patients face technological barriers that prevent them from accessing online/telephonic doctor consultation services. This deprives patients of timely treatment and the convenience of seeking virtual doctor consultation services, potentially saving time and money.

To address these problems, ASTHA and Zaynax Health initially piloted the intervention in the Nilphamari (north) and Patuakhali (south) districts. The pilot initiative resulted in an expanded service portfolio for self-employed 51 CPs in the pilot locations, enabling 500+ rural patients to access enhanced healthcare services through CPs. Given the remarkable success of the pilot initiative, both parties signed an agreement in September 2022 to scale up the initiative in three regions: Patuakhali (south), Sunamganj (north-east), and Rangpur (north). The objective is to enhance the healthcare-seeking experience of households in these communities by engaging CPs as agents of Zaynax Health.

2011 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training
High-quality healthcare services in rural areas
Achieving Sustainability Towards Healthcare Access (ASTHA) aims at contributing to the development and expansion of sustainable and high-quality healthcare at the community level by training young adults (50% women) from seven rural districts as skilled health workers. The ASTHA-project will improve the health and living conditions of the local...