From unemployment to entrepreneurship thanks to coaching

Labour market insertion, Upskilling and Reskilling
23-year-old Ahmed Mouaden, born on in Beni Mellal, studied IT development. After graduating, he decided not to continue his studies but to start working even though the region of Beni Mellal suffers from a lack of job opportunities. Many young people have therefore moved to other regions of Morocco or even emigrated.

Ahmad participated in the pilot phase of the C4EE project, through which he did theoretical and practical courses and an internship. In addition to learning new skills, he also received individual career guidance to find a suitable job.

From unemployment to entrepreneurship

Through the C4EE project, Ahmed was able to develop his professional profile, which gave him more self-confidence and led to his decision to become an entrepreneur.

Together with three other project participants, Ahmed created his own cooperative "Web Cadence", which aims to provide multimedia services such as website development, photography, graphic design, video and audio services to clients in the Beni Mellal region.

One of his first entrepreneurial tasks was developing an online marketplace for local products, which allows customers to directly buy local products at the best price.

"Not all young people want to leave this region. I am very happy with my career and what I have learned during the coaching cycle. Working as an entrepreneur will allow me to become independent, to stay in Beni Mellal and to ensure a better future for me and for people in the region."

This project is financed by Ursula Zindel-Hilti Foundation. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). 

Labour market insertion
Coaching for employment and entrepreneurship 
Job placement for disadvantaged youth
The project aims to provide young women and men from vulnerable backgrounds in Morocco with opportunities for productive self-employment, so they become empowered to create resilient livelihoods for themselves.