The Parainema coffee variety is produced by women and young people from the six coffee-growing regions in Honduras. The coffee batches from all regions showed great quality and complexity.
Honduras' current Cup of Excellence champion, Benjamin Paz, hosted a tasting session that highlighted 16 Parainema micro lots produced by young coffee growers:
"Parainema is a resistant variety that doesn't require much extra care in terms of fertilisers. When it is processed, the expressions of clarity and notes of tropical fruit such as mango and passion fruit are combined, which makes this coffee very interesting."
In addition to the stand at the international fair, technical visits to roasteries were also carried out with the support of the project and led by coffee specialist Sherri Johns.
The participation of the coffee grower organisation Café de Honduras was supported by the project partners: the Honduran Coffee Institute, National Coffee Council, Honduras Chapter of the Alliance of International Women in Coffee, Corés Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the organisations committed to the positioning of Honduran coffee in international markets.
The following organisations were present at this event: CAFESMO, INLOHER, COCAFELOL, ARUCO, CAPUCAS, PROEXO, AGEO, CAFEPSA, COCAOL, YAMA, CAFICO, Coffee Planet, Beneficio Santa Rosa, Beneficio San Marcos, RAOS, Pacayal Coffee, Café Tío Juan, Honduras Coffee Alliance, COCAMOL, COMISUYL, COCASAM, FINCA TERRERITO, COAGRICSAL, COMSA, COPRANIL, CAFFEX y ASOPRASAN.
The Inclusive Coffee project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).