Improving small package e-trade for SMEs in Cambodia launches its Project Steering Committee 

In an inauguration event attended by public and private stakeholders, the Improving Small Package e-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME) project successfully held its 1st Project Steering Committee meeting

On 6th December 2022, H.E Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce drafted and signed the Prakas No. 164 PN SHA.PRK dated 13 July 2022, officially forming a Project Steering Committee to oversee the implementation of the SeT4SME Project.

The SeT4SME project was launched by the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation and is being implemented by Swisscontact in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce to improve e-trade for small packages in Cambodia.

"The project steering meeting serves an important role in the successful implementation and fruitful result of the SeT4SME Project. Today’s meeting will review the SeT4SME project activities progress and discuss the upcoming activities. Since the project was launched on 8th February 2022 by H.E Minister, the project has progressed smoothly through the joint effort of all relevant stakeholders. SeT4SME Project was highlighted in UNCTAD’s review of trade Readiness Assessments as part of the contribution to fast-track the implementation of cross-border e-commerce ecosystem in Cambodia."
H.E. Tekreth Kamrang, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia

The SeT4SME Project Steering Committee is led by H.E Tekreth Kamrang, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce (MoC) who serves as the Chair of SeT4SME Steering Committee, H.E. Sim Sokheng Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, serves as the Permanent Vice Chair of SeT4SME Steering Committee, H.E. Samheng Bora, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, H.E. Rath Saravuth Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Then Samvisoth Director General of Cambodia Post, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (MPTC), H.E. Pha Eng Veng Deputy Director General, General Department of Custom and Excises (GDCE) and Mr. Rajiv Pradhan, Country Director Swisscontact and Alliance Coordinator serve as Vice Chairs of SeT4SME Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee consists of 16 members, representing the Ministry of Commerce, General Department of Customs and Excise, Cambodia Post, Universal Postal Union (UPU), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association (CWEA).

The Project Steering Committee was introduced by Mr. CHEA Laichea, Director of Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of Commerce (DICO/MoC), with high-level and overall progress updates on the SeT4SME project provided by Mr. Rajiv Pradhan, Swisscontact Cambodia Country Director & GATF Country Coordinator. Updates on the overall progress under Workstream 1 on the CDS-ASYCUDA Interfacing were given by representatives of UNCTAD and UPU. A short demonstration of the interfacing was also conducted.  

"As a party of the project implementors, we are happy to see the progress made and we expect once the EAD is implemented in the near future, we will see the improvements to our process in handling the postal consignment in terms of time and cost cutting. This is in line with Cambodia Post's reforms to improve our overall postal service. Our customers in overall and particularly MSMEs will benefit from these efforts."
Mr. THEN Samvisoth, Director General, Cambodia Post, MPTC

Mr. SOK Kha, Workstream Leader of the SeT4SME provided updates on the overall progress under Workstream 2, I.e., Awareness raising campaign on cross-border e-commerce opportunities, practical rules and procedures for small package exports and imports, currently branded as Small Package Exporter Champions (SPEC), and the current status of e-Trade Portal Development, currently being branded as BoXShipper. Mr. SOK Kha went on to also present the future activities and plan of the project implementation.

The next PSC meeting is planned for March 2023.

2021 - 2023
Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs
Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME) is a two-year project (2021-2023) for the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation. This project aims to support Cambodia in improving its trade performance and driving inclusive growth in the country by enhancing trade facilitation implementation with improved transparency in trade practices and reduced time and cost of cross-border e-trade.