Indonesian Tourism Polytechnic Lecturers Ready to Become Agents of Change after Certification with SHL Switzerland 

Initial vocational education and training, Upskilling and Reskilling
Swisscontact’s Sustainable Tourism Education Development (STED) project in Indonesia has recently concluded its three-part Lecturer Capacity Building Programme with a Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB) certificate examination in Bali earlier this year. The certification exam was the first one to ever be held outside of Switzerland. 

Eighteen lecturers from six tourism polytechnics under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE) had completed the programme, which began in Jakarta and followed by a training in Lucerne, Switzerland. The programme was a collaboration between STED, Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzerne (SHL), the MoTCE, and participating polytechnics: Medan Tourism Polytechnic, Palembang Tourism Polytechnic, NHI Bandung Tourism Polytechnic, Lombok Tourism Polytechnic, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic, and Bali Tourism Polytechnic. 

For the three-part capacity building programme, participants travelled to Jakarta, Lucerne, and Bali.

"This first SVEB course in Indonesia was a complete success. During the 14 days, the lecturers sharpened their personal, social and methodological skills, deepened them with theory and many exercises, and the positive group dynamics meant that learning could take place in a very trusting atmosphere," said SVEB certification master trainer Dr Cristian Moro after the examination, which was hosted by Bali Tourism Polytechnic in late January this year.   

Throughout the programme, participants made the most of the opportunity to improve their students’ competitiveness in the tourism sector upon graduation, by refining their expertise on various elements of hospitality education.  

Lecturer participants on their first day of training at the SHL campus in Lucerne, Switzerland, with SHL Deputy Director Timo Albiez (left, first row).

One of which was the teaching methodologies for hospitality industry, conducted as the second part of the programme in November 2023 by SHL in Lucerne, Switzerland. For three weeks, the second part of the capacity building programme balanced teaching practices and theories at one of the oldest hospitality management schools in the world.  

"There are many methods to adopt from this training that we can implement for our students. Starting from learning methodology, how we teach, all the way to observing students’ characters, whether they are doers, thinkers, discovers, or decision makers," said Medan Tourism Polytechnic Lecturer Dr Femmy I. Dalimunthe. 

Making Milestones for Change

The Lecturer Capacity Building Programme commenced in October 2023, which began with introducing the participants to what the SVEB training has in store for them. The course content included fundamentals of learning and teaching adults, didactic models and methods, and considerations on transferring specialist-subject teaching approaches, among others. At the end of the training programme, they would receive the SVEB Course Leader Certificate from the SHL. 

"It is a matter of pride that SHL is able to accompany you on this journey and that you are exploring practical aspects of hospitality vocational training with us. I am sure that we will be able to present you a lot of exciting concepts in the various sequences that will help you and your training institution to move forward," said SHL Deputy Director Timo Albiez in his remark during the first part of the programme. 

Lecturer participants conducted group presentations on different elements of SVEB training course on the first part of the programme

After completing the program, totaling of 405 hours of course time, participants agreed that they have gained so much more than a new certification. Having overcome barriers ranging from language to new learning styles, they are now able to prepare, deliver and evaluate training sessions with adults in their field using pre-defined concepts, lesson plans and teaching materials. 

"This training has inspired us not only as lecturer but also as a human being. In education, there are no students there are no lecturers, but we are the same people who are willing to learn together to build our future together and become better humans for our community," said NHI Bandung Tourism Polytechnic Lecturer Selvi Novianti, summing up her experience. "We hope that everything has taught for us will give us a foundation to become a better lecturer in the future," she added. 

Swisscontact Indonesia’s Deputy Program Manager Kiky Hendarin seconded Novianti’s statement. The transformational learning process through the SVEB training sessions and certification exam, which he witnessed throughout, also reflects Swisscontact’s commitment for skills development initiatives in Indonesia. 

"I was particularly impressed by how participants practiced creative teaching methods and developed conflict resolution strategies," said Hendarin. "Their dedication to education and professional development, as demonstrated through SVEB training, positions them as powerful agents of change," he concluded. 

Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable tourism
Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project
Tourism is an important part of the Indonesian economy and an important source for generating employment and foreign exchange reserves. Swisscontact has been actively supporting the Indonesian MTCE (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) since 2009 to strengthen the competitiveness of selected tourism destinations.