Kosovo Farmer Upgrades Vegetable Seedling Production

Entrepreneurial ecosystems
On 27 January 2022, Visar Vokrri, farmer in the nothern part of Kosovo, Podujev/o, signed a partnership agreement with the Promoting Private Sector Employment project. Through this partnership, Vokrri will improve his existing vegetable seedling nursery to increase production capacity and quality. 

Under the Food and Natural Ingredients sector, PPSE will continue in Phase III to support contract farming, an activity initiated in the previous project phase. Support services and activities that increase access of farmers to qualitative and affordable seedlings complements this strategy, notably increasing the capacities of modern seedling production in Kosovo.

The partnership agreement with farmer Vokrri will support him to improve operations of his nursery, including preparation work, installing a boom irrigation system, ventitalion, seeder and working on other required technical aspects. In addition, PPSE will assign an expert to work with Vokrri to find the most suitable supplier for the equipment needed.

“With these improvements of the nursery and know-how transfer by the seedling production expert, Mr. Vokrri is expected to meet his own needs for seedlings, to achieve higher quality of the final product and also have a surplus of seedlings which he can sell to the surrounding farmers,” said Alida Muhaxhiri, PPSE facilitator in charge.

PPSE is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation project implemented by Swisscontact and the Riinvest Institute, currently implementing Phase III (November 2021 – November 2025). 

2021 - 2025
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Promoting Private Sector Employment
Kosovo has grown moderately at an average rate of 4% in the last few years (pre-COVID 19) and is constantly facing growing labour force, while the labour market falls short of generating the jobs needed to absorb the new entrants (around 30,000 annually). Formal employment makes around 75% of the overall employment, with public sector accounting for 25% of formal jobs. Youth, women, and minorities (particularly the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian) remain the most excluded groups. The COVID-19 pandemic did not spare Kosovo’s economy from its devastating impact.