The training was designed to help the participants leverage the principles of MSD and the pathways to build sustainable partnerships with diverse stakeholders in the market systems.
Andrew Seward and Momina Saqib, trainers from Springfield Center, facilitated the five days training offering a comprehensive exploration of MSD concepts and their practical applications. Participants honed their abilities to deeply understand the complexities and dynamics of the MSD approach through discussions and practical group work sessions working on real case studies from different countries.
“I gained valuable insights into effectively selecting partners by evaluating factors such as cost, benefits, and risks. Additionally, I acquired essential knowledge on project piloting and scaling up, employing the technique of adopt, adapt, expand, and respond,” shared Mr. Chhatra Mishra, BEE-FSB Senior Officer of NAMDP.
On the last day of the training, Swisscontact invited representatives from USAID, the World Bank, SDC, GIZ, and the European Union. The objective of the invitation was to facilitate a shared understanding among the donor agencies and implementing agencies regarding the strategies and actions required to establish a thriving MSD framework. By bringing together these key actors, Swisscontact aimed to enhance coordination, identify potential synergies, and maximise the collective impact of their interventions.
Mr. Aayush Rai from SDC said, “The training has equipped me with valuable skills and knowledge in MSD, and I feel confident in applying these learnings to real-world scenarios.”
The discussions encompassed topics such as program design, funding mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation frameworks, capacity-building initiatives, and the importance of private-sector engagement. Swisscontact demonstrated its dedication to staying at the forefront of cutting-edge development practices and fostering a collaborative ecosystem that enables the successful implementation of transformative MSD programmes.
Sahaj is an SDC project implemented by a consortium of Swisscontact (as the lead agency) and CEAPRED.