Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries visits field with CASIC team

Sustainable agriculture
Cambodia Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) successfully organized a field visit for H.E. Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to the Bos Khnor Conservation Agriculture Research for Development Centre (CARDEC) and the Cambodia Rubber Research Institute (CRRI) to showcase the relevance, progress and potential of agroecology and regenerative agriculture in Cambodia.   

During the field visit, the minister was able to see the on-ground implementation of CASIC’s 5-year roadmap and provide recommendations to CASIC on its operations and progress. Swisscontact, through Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ISA) is proud to be associated with CASIC and support the CASIC secretariat and the sub-committees on Networking and Coordination and Promotion.

The full article about the H.E Minister visit to Bos Khnor, CARDEC available on the CASIC website.


2025 - 2028
Sustainable agriculture
Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture 
The project promotes appropriate technologies and extension services for a sustainable intensification of agricultural production leading to reduced negative impacts on the environment including an improved soil health that allows smallholder farmers to increase their productivity and income.