In Indonesia, Skills for Competitiveness (S4C), its partner schools, and Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) worked together to build up the necessary online teaching capacity to achieve a higher standard for online learning.
The two-month training lasted from May to July 2020, consisting of three phases including peer coaching/learning which facilitated observation and feedback of teaching practices among lecturers for further improvement.
The topics included lesson planning, student-centred learning approaches and student feedback for teaching improvement. Sixteen lecturers (10 men and 6 women) from four S4C partner Polys successfully completed the training.
“The online learning training gives valuable experience and knowledge about effective planning, implementation and evaluation methods toward good outputs for students and lecturers. Besides, the online methods and skills have been shared with the school teachers as part of community service development program” Dewi Purnama Sari - Lecturer in Mineral Chemistry/ Head of the E-Didactic Team, Morowali Metal Industry Polytechnic, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
Moving forward, this training concept will be optimized and upscaled for future S4C lecturer training on peer coaching, didactics, and technical issues.