Promoting private-public modular training courses and formal recognition of previously acquired knowledge and skills for young people

Initial vocational education and training
The training and certification measures promoted by the Skills to Build project are adapted to the requirements of the local market and create employment opportunities for the target groups. The training courses cover various trades in the construction industry such as bricklaying, plumbing, electronics, painting.

Professional training centre for water and sanitation, Maputo

The training centre Centro de Formação Profissional de Agua e Saneamento in Maputo offers certified education and training modules. A full qualification consists of several modules; each module lasts 3 months, includes theory and practice and comprises 400 training hours. All qualifications are recognised by the national Ministry of Education (ANEP). Once trainees finish individual modules or the entire course, they can continue their education by completing additional modules until they have concluded the full qualification or directly found employment.

23-year-old Criola Chone and 22-year old Ilodia Rabeca are currently attending the first module of their training as sanitary fitters. They will then have the opportunity to complete the entire training course within another 12 months.  

Criola Chone: "I have always been curious to understand how plumbing works. Whenever I saw a plumber in my neighbourhood, I would go up to him and ask questions about his work. That's why I decided to take this course. For me, the most interesting part of the apprenticeship is the practical work, because that's where I see how things work. I like the good environment in the training because there are no differences between men and women, we are all equal and have the same opportunities to learn."

Ilodia Rabeca: "My boyfriend is a plumber, and he encouraged me to do this course. I also want to break the stereotype that there are training courses only for women and others only for men. I really enjoy the training, I have a good relationship with my classmates and whether male or female, we are all treated equally."

Armando Emílio Guebuza Industrial and Computer Science Institute, Maputo

Trainees attending the training course to become electricians and are in their 2nd year of training.
From left to right: Boavida Sambo Junior (23 years old), Filipe Alberto Nhavotso (21 years old), Elton Salomone Chichava (21 years old), Albino da Silva Tivane (21 years old)

The course lasts three years and the trainees are already helping their neighbours with small installation jobs.

From left to right: Edmilton Manuel (19 years), Denise Bila (16 years), Alexandre Julio (20 years) 

Edmilton Manuel, Denise Bila and Alexandre Julio are in their first year of apprenticeship. 

Manuel: "We are very happy to be here. The electrical installation course exceeds our expectations by far, the practical lessons, the electrical installation really excites us".

The 2nd year apprentice mechanics: Ronaldo Augusto Parquim (17 years), Rosánia De Juju Malumane (17 years), Wanga Bule (18 years old).  

Arnaldo Covela, master mechanic trainer, has been working at the Armando Emílio Guebuza Industrial and Computer Science Institute in Maputo for three years.

"I really enjoy working with the young people and the reasons for their commitment. They do their job well. Time and again we get orders from companies in Beluluane Park that need parts, and together with the learners we make the parts. It is important to me that my trainees act responsibly and do a perfect job". 

Alberto Cassimo Institute of Vocational Training and Labour Studies Machava (IFPLAC-Machava), Maputo

Rosa Grancinda, 22, is taking a short course to become a painter:

"Many women have stopped taking technical courses like mechanics or painting and I wanted to break this stereotype. I like painting and this is an opportunity to learn more. With the degree, I can work in painting companies, do industrial painting and with the necessary knowledge about painting, I can even sell paints." 

According to the director of IFPLAC Machava, Felicidade Bambo, at the end of the course, women are preferred by companies in the painting sector because they are responsible and work very concentrated and accurately.

 Yussira Alberto (left) and Dionisio Hipolito (right)

Dionisio Hipolito and Yussira Alberto, both 25 years old, are attending the carpentry course.

Dionisio: "I grew up in a carpentry family. Here I can improve my skills and get a certificate. My goal is to expand the family business." 

Yussira: "What I like most is that we can design and make the products ourselves here. Later, I would like to open my own workshop and sell the work I have designed and made myself."

The Skills to Build project is financed by Happel Foundation, among other donors. As part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, it is co-financed by SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA).

2018 - 2028
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Skills to Build
In close collaboration with the private sector, the project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable young people through professional training in the construction and other sectors. By implementing competence-based skills training and certification in public and private training centres, it will increase incomes and employment opportunities for 3 000 vulnerable young people and 50 already employed, low-skilled workers and workshop owners.