Re-suit is a circular economy project that focuses on recycling and up-cycling clothes. The initiative aims to reduce the social impact of the economic crisis by providing an alternative to buying new clothes. Instead, unwanted pieces are up-cycled into new and unique pieces that can be sold at an affordable price.
La Boutique, an initiative by arcenciel since 2002, is a program that collects unwanted clothing and donates or sells it at a low affordable price for marginalised people. Re-suit takes this concept a step further by developing Le Boutique into a more sustainable brand with a circular economy approach.
Through Re-suit, SMEs are engaged to work from home and help up-cycle the unwanted pieces. This not only creates job opportunities but also has a positive impact on the development of the market. By promoting the use of recycled and up-cycled clothing, Re-suit encourages a shift towards a more sustainable and circular economy.
Swisscontact and arcenciel's partnership on this project is a positive step towards promoting sustainable development in Lebanon. By providing an alternative to buying new clothes, Re-suit not only helps those struggling with the economic crisis but also takes care of the environment by reducing waste.
This project is financed by the Leopold Bachmann Foundation, among other donors. This project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.