Sustainable Mobility in Latin American Cities

Green cities
This International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, we highlight our contribution to sustainable cities and communities (Sustainable Development Goal 11). Swisscontact leads innovative initiatives in Latin America to promote sustainable urban mobility. We work closely with local communities, governments and businesses to implement solutions that improve the quality of life in cities, reduce traffic jams and lower carbon emissions. Our focus on sustainable mobility is key to addressing today's urban challenges and building more liveable, equitable and environmentally friendly cities across the region. 

The Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Programme (CALAC+) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) pursues a vision of healthier cities that reduce their emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (such as black carbon), atmospheric gases and greenhouse gases (GHGs), by encouraging a shift towards soot-free, low-carbon urban buses and off-road machinery.

2021 - 2025
Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru
Green cities
Climate and Clean Air project in Latin American Cities Plus (CALAC+)
The Paris Climate Agreement adopted in December 2015 provides a clear signal from countries towards reducing emissions and build resilience to climate change impacts within the transport sector.Thanks to its management and technical expertise, Switzerland contributes significantly to the transformation of cleaner transport in Latin American cities,...