Swiss-Moroccan Partnership: Developing Green Skills and Jobs in Morocco

Casablanca, Friday, June 14, 2024 – Swisscontact, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy in Morocco, the Swiss-Moroccan Chamber of Commerce, and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM), organized a seminar on the theme: “How Can Switzerland Contribute to the Development of Green Jobs to Support Morocco's Ecological Transition?”
Mr. Driss Nahya, Member of the Bureau, Sustainable Development Commission, CGEM

The Transition to a Green Economy: A Global Imperative

The transition to a green economy is a global imperative. This shift requires significant transformations across various professional sectors and skill levels, creating increased demand for green skills and jobs. Investing in sustainable development is essential to address climate challenges and offer better career prospects.

Morocco: Untapped Potential for Green Jobs

Morocco, with its initiatives such as the Framework Law 99-12, the National Climate Plan 2030, and the National Sustainable Development Strategy, shows enormous potential for the creation of green jobs. Key sectors like renewable energy, energy efficiency, construction, transportation, waste management, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable tourism are rapidly expanding. A study reveals that investing 2% of GDP in the green economy could annually generate nearly 275,000 green jobs by 2040.

A Strategically Structured Seminar

The seminar began with an opening session, followed by various workshops focused on key economic sectors like agriculture, waste management, and textiles. These workshops brought together private sector participants, vocational training and sustainable development experts, and representatives of Moroccan institutions, fostering constructive exchanges to identify partnership opportunities and define innovative projects.

During these workshops, Swisscontact presented its “Green Skills & Jobs” approach, aimed at systematically integrating green skills and jobs. This approach includes formulating strategies, selecting and evaluating targeted sectors, identifying key issues, and defining impact visions within a "Theory of Change" framework.

Ms. Seloua Amaziane, Head of the Partnership Division at the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development
Ms. Nathalie Marville Dosen, Deputy Head of Mission, Head of Cooperation, Swiss Embassy / State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Ms. Zineb Bennouna, Director of CSR and Communication, Lafarge Holcim Morocco
Mr. Christophe De Figueiredo, President of the Swiss-Moroccan Chamber of Commerce
Working group, Textile
Working group, waste management
Mr. Didier Krumm, Director of Swisscontact Morocco

Key Interventions and Global Perspectives

Didier Krumm, Swisscontact Country Director in Morocco, detailed ongoing projects, particularly in sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship, aimed at integrating green skills and promoting sustainable jobs. Krumm also highlighted similar projects conducted by Swisscontact in other countries, emphasizing the organization’s global impact on green skills development and the promotion of a sustainable economy.

Mr. Philippe Schneuwly, CEO of Swisscontact  

Statement from Swisscontact CEO Philippe Schneuwly

The CEO of Swisscontact stated: “Morocco faces numerous opportunities regarding ecological transition and climate change. I am very pleased that during this event, we can focus on a very important topic: the creation of green jobs, where Switzerland can share many significant experiences.”

Mr. Ulrich Stucki, Director of the MENA Region at Swisscontact

Statement from MENA Regional Director Ulrich Stucki

Ulrich Stucki, Swisscontact's MENA Regional Director, highlighted the importance of the seminar: “This seminar allows us to explore the great opportunities in Morocco. Switzerland and Morocco aim to make a difference by creating green jobs and enhancing the skills of young people. What is ultimately important is youth employment, linked to major environmental challenges. Swisscontact is truly happy to collaborate with the Moroccan state, the Swiss private sector, and Moroccan companies to realize these projects. Today, it is truly the moment where we can position ourselves together to tell the world that we want to make a difference in creating green jobs.”

Seminar Objectives and Expected Outcomes

The seminar aimed to stimulate reflection on Switzerland's contribution to the development of green skills and jobs in Morocco. By promoting Swiss innovation and quality, the event identified public-private partnerships to fuel the strategy of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) 2025 in Morocco and develop project concepts to be submitted to Swiss stakeholders, including Swisscontact, the private sector, Klik, and SECO.


By supporting the development of green jobs, Switzerland plays a key role in Morocco's ecological transition. This seminar highlighted the importance of international collaborations and public-private partnerships in addressing global environmental challenges. Swiss companies, already engaged in new economic and social models, will continue to enhance the visibility and impact of Swiss initiatives in Morocco.