The training course took 8 weeks and allowed the young people to obtain practical training in electricity and be able to design and install control circuits in residences, install, commission and maintain electrical installations in residences and apply the rules of hygiene, health and safety at work. This set of technical skills increases their chances of insertion in the labour market.
The objective of these courses facilitated by CFPAS in partnership with Swisscontact (Skills to Build project) is to generate basic technical skills for young people in vulnerable situations in order to raise their level of socio-economic inclusion, improve their skills and generate income through technical-vocational training.
During the event, the Director of CFPAS, Carlos Valentim congratulated the young people for their dedication, delivery and for having successfully completed the course, and took the opportunity to praise the Municipal Council of Maputo and Swisscontact for the initiative of taking vocational training to vulnerable youth, particularly to young people from the KaNyaca district who do not have conditions to train on the island and got to participate in this vocational training thanks to the assistance provided in the framework of the partnership between the Municipal Council of Maputo and Swisscontact.
The Director of Swisscontact, Régula Chávez-Malgiaritta, having thanked the diligence of the CFPAS trainers and the commitment of the Municipal Council of Maputo in facilitating the participation of young people from the KaNyaca district, mostly expressed her satisfaction for the success achieved by the young people. She encouraged the young people to remain committed in their search for better job opportunities, reminding the participants that this will make them more competitive.
With the Skills to Build project, Swisscontact promotes vocational training to enable vulnerable young people to obtain training that will enable them to access better jobs and income.