The collaboration from the industries is a relevant aspect for the success of the Recognition of Prior Learning

Labour market insertion
Leopoldo dos Santos, a technician in the Qualifications Department at National Authority for Professional Education (ANEP), is one of the pioneers in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) implementation process in Mozambique at the level of design and technical conception for the structuring of the RPL System.
Leopoldo dos Santos, a technician in the Qualifications Department at National Authority for Professional Education (ANEP)

1. What is the importance of RPL certification in the country?

The RPL process consists of assessing the competencies acquired by any individual’s skills in a given area. This assessment benefits the participant in that he/she obtains a certificate that allows him/her to  compete in the formal job market, thus increasing his/her chances of being employed. It also improves the living conditions of the professional and his family and contributes to the development of the country. On the other hand, it increases the young people’s self-esteem.

2. At what stage of the implementing process do you think we are in the country?

The RPL process is still ongoing. Legal instruments for evaluating RPL have already been created. The pilot phase was successfully carried out, although it had very long intervals due to COVID-19. This process is still a challenge as it lacks funding from the government and other partner entities to train more evaluators in RPL and purchase tools and materials for the vocational training centres.  

3. What aspects do you consider relevant to the success of the RPL? What lessons learned do you have to share?

The success of the RPL depends on the perception of what the RPL is. First, it must be understood that the RPL has nothing to do with the deficiency of graduates in the formal market, but rather with the need to certify all those in professional activity. There must be collaboration from the industries, as many of them have many employees without certification. On the other hand, a policy should be established to include RPL graduates in the formal market, so as to guarantee equal rights in the selection process. It would be useful to to make a study related to the need of the employment market, in order to respond to a need and, consequently, promote economic and social change, which will result in the development of the country. In addition, jobs must be created and investment in new companies is needed.

The country must realise that RPL is not only for the disadvantaged poor, but for all those who have skills acquired in a particular area in life. We need to also realise that only those who pass assessments are certified. Therefore, they should have the same rights as those who have undergone training at vocational training centres.

The Skills to Build project is financed by Happel Foundation, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 

2018 - 2028
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Skills to Build
In close collaboration with the private sector, the project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable young people through professional training in the construction and other sectors. By implementing competence-based skills training and certification in public and private training centres, it will increase incomes and employment opportunities for 3 000 vulnerable young people and 50 already employed, low-skilled workers and workshop owners.