The Training of Coach (ToC) Block 6

Initial vocational education and training
The ToC6 for the Employment Support Services of the VTESS project, which took place from 23 – 26 May 2023, at the Lao Front for National Development Training Center. 

The objective of the training was to provide an opportunity for coaches to exchange and learn from each other's experiences in Enterprise Base Training (EBT)/Institutional Base Training (IBT). It aimed to share information on the first assessment process and enable participants to conduct the second and final assessment. Additionally, the training aimed to exchange information about group and individual meetings, clarify the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), provide information and understanding of "getting into employment," and teach participants how to prepare for a job apply, interview, adaption in organization, and how to keep the job. It also aimed to clarify entrepreneurship training. 

The training is blended and are led by Ms. Elvira Idrizi, and Ms. Egla LuLa   trainers from Swisscontact Albania. During the training, participants summarized the topics covered in the previous Block 5, completed exercises, engaged in fishbowl presentations, reflecting team and participated in role-play activities. 

All participants in the training were 25 coaches and 5 EPCs from five target provinces Oudomxay, Xiengkhuang, Xayaburi, Khammuan, and Salavane.

2019 - 2027
Initial vocational education and training
Vocational Training and Employment Support Services in Laos
The VTESS project aims at vocational training and labour market insertion or re-entering of schooling of the main project beneficiaries, who are people between 15 and 35 years of age, have completed primary and/ or lower secondary education only (early school leavers), and are subjected to income poverty. The main objective of the project is to improve the income and, ultimately, the livelihood of its beneficiaries.