Thirty trainers received their certificate in psycho-pedagogical skills

Initial vocational education and training
In April, 30 trainers received their certificates after completing a course to develop their psychological and pedagogical skills in vocational training. The knowledge they acquired will help them to teach and detect learning difficulties in students and professionally address concerns in the classroom. The aim of the certificate is to improve their teaching skills in order to provide higher quality vocational training to young people.

On 22 April 2022, 30 trainers were certified in Certificate C. This certificate provides The certificate C develop psychopedagical skill such as creating of behavior and attitudes that orient and exerts influence in their trainees for professional developing.

Applying competence principals in VET, plan and manage learning process based on competence based approach, assess competence and apply ICT skill for improving digital competence in their trainees for the Labour Market .  

of the 30 certified trainers, 12 are from the Professional Training Centre of Water and Sanitation (CFPAS), 8 of the Professional Training Centre of Metallomechanics, 5 of the Professional Training Centre of Public Works (CFPOP), 5 of the Professional Training Centre of Roads of Chimoio. This achievement is the result of the good relations between Swisscontact, the Higher Institute Don Bosco (ISDB) and the National Authority for Vocational Education (ANEP) under an initiative promoted by Professional Training Centre Metallomechanics and Swisscontact in October 2019.The Higher Institute Don Bosco conducted the one-year-long training, starting in 2020.

At the handover ceremony, the Institute’s Administrative Director Father José Angel Rajoy pointed out to the trainers that the certificate they have received is only the basis upon which they need to now build good work. They must now make a greater commitment to be able to offer qualifications with the desired quality and to apply what they have learnt during their training. The trainers will need to ensure that the young people who come to the training centres have the opportunity of relevant and significant learning for their professional future.

A contribution to the reform of the vocational education system

Later, the Director of Qualifications of ANEP, Mrs. Ida Alvarinho, explained to the attendees of the ceremony that it has been a long journey for the Reform of Vocational Education and that Mozambique is not the only country in Africa that is revolutionizing the sector of Vocational Education. The representative of ANEP recognized that Mozambique was neither the most advanced country nor the most underdeveloped on the continent. She stressed that it is through this type of initiative that the country will consolidate the reform by training trainers to respond to the present challenges. Mrs. Ida Alvarinho also stated that if nothing had been done to innovate and update the Professional Education the country today would have a failed Professional Education sub-system, outdated and with obsolete equipment.

Improving and certifying the skills of trainers ensures better qualifications for the youth

“Thanks to the effort, tenacity and commitment to the young people, the trainers can now receive the longed-for and required C certificate to work within the new regulations for the role of Vocational Education trainer”, said Mrs. Regula Chávez-Malgiaritta, Country Director of Swisscontact. She stressed that the C certificate is important and guarantees the readiness and ability of the trainers to meet the challenges of the Professional education reform  that implements the new competency-based qualifications. She added that the hope is for the graduates to enrich the knowledge they have acquired through the certificate by practising, implementing the learning in their institutions and that the young people of Mozambique may have better qualifications when they complete their courses at the training centres.

She also said that Swisscontact – the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation – was honoured to be part of this process and to help build the pedagogical capacities in order to provide a high-level professional training that is recognised by ANEP and valued in society.

Swisscontact thanked Father José Ângel Rajoy, all the teachers of this C certificate, in particular the trainers Aureola and Gracinda and all the technical support team. She expressed thanks to the directors and staff of the participating formation centres for having supported this process from day one. Additionally, she thanked ANEP for leading the professionalization of trainers and the search for excellence.

Following the handover of certificates, it was the turn of the directors of the training centres who both/all expressed their gratitude to the Higher Institute Don Bosco for having offered quality training, ANEP for support in developing Profissional Education in Mozambique, and Swisscontact for the technical and financial support for this certification. The directors stressed their commitment and readiness to make the training centres a place where the newly acquired knowledge and skills of the trainers can be utilised, and to fulfil their mission of offering quality training to improve the qualifications of young Mozambicans.

2018 - 2028
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Skills to Build
In close collaboration with the private sector, the project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable young people through professional training in the construction and other sectors. By implementing competence-based skills training and certification in public and private training centres, it will increase incomes and employment opportunities for 3 000 vulnerable young people and 50 already employed, low-skilled workers and workshop owners.