Vocational technical training at Mumemo Institute relaunched with great success 

Implementation of Short Term Qualifications at the Instituto Médio Técnico Profissional São Francisco de Assis - Mumemo (IMTPSFAM)

On September 9, a visit and meeting took place at the Instituto Médio Técnico Profissional São Francisco de Assis - MUMEMO to demonstrate the implementation of competence-based training in three technical areas: Civil metalwork, Electricity installation and Auto mechanics. This visit was attended by the District Director of Education of Marracuene, Justino Cuna, the Director of the District Services of Economic Activities, João Mbembele, the Director of Swisscontact Régula Chávez-Malgiaritta and other staff. The meeting was guided by the Director of the Institute, Sister Francisca Henrique.

After two years of paralysis of courses due to COVID-19, IMTPSFAM has resumed the training offer. Recently, the Institute obtained the License and the Certificate of official accreditation from the National Authority for Vocational Education (ANEP) to provide qualifications based on standards of competencies contained in the National Catalogue of Vocational Qualifications (CNQP).

The trainings started on August 10th with 60 young people enrolled in three Qualifications, with a maximum duration of 15 weeks, namely: Electricity Installer with 31 trainees, Auto Mechanics, with 22 trainees and Civil Metalworker with 7 trainees. In the area of Electricity there are 8 young women, in Auto Mechanics 2 and in Metalwork one woman.

The implementation of the training is supported and advised by Swisscontact.

These Qualifications are based on a set of scientific, technical and practical knowledge that allows an effective insertion into the world of work.

This project is financed by the Medicor Foundation, Happel Foundation, and U.W. Linsi-Stiftung, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 

2018 - 2028
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
Skills to Build
In close collaboration with the private sector, the project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable young people through professional training in the construction and other sectors. By implementing competence-based skills training and certification in public and private training centres, it will increase incomes and employment opportunities for 3 000 vulnerable young people and 50 already employed, low-skilled workers and workshop owners.