Colombia + Competitiva - Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Private Sector

The Colombia + Competitiva Programme supports Colombia in its systematic efforts to improve the competitiveness of its private sector within the National System of Competitiveness, Science, Technology and Innovation System and the Productive Development Policy. Its second phase additionally focuses on fostering green and inclusive growth through an enabling business environment and effective public sector policies. It also aims to promote competitiveness and innovation by supporting sustainable value chains in speciality cocoa, speciality coffee, natural ingredients and nature-based tourism, which provide employment and income opportunities. The programme follows a systemic approach with clear ownership by national and sub-national entities and with a significant contribution to aligning their orientation towards common objectives. 
Bogotá, Colombia
Project duration
2017 - 2024
Financed by
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

The project

Intervention areas

Phase I (2017-2020):

  • Reform Advisory: 13 projects were supported in 5 strategic areas: innovation, regional competitiveness, public policy analysis, government efficiency and business development and entrepreneurship, seeking to support the entities of the National Competitiveness and Innovation System in identifying the competitiveness issues in the country.  
  • Sustainable value chains: The programme developed a mechanism to boost regional competitiveness by supporting four value chains; this mechanism operated in alliance with iNNpulsa Colombia, through the development of calls for proposals for the co-financing of the best innovative initiatives presented. As a result, a portfolio of 17 projects was co-financed and executed.
  • Improved Policy Dialogue: 5 projects were developed in support of the selected value chains, seeking to resolve cross-cutting bottlenecks and promote coordination between the national level and the regions.

Phase II (2021-2024):

  • Policy reforms: The programme supports the implementation of public policies to improve competitiveness, considering a sub-national approach.
  • Sustainable value chains: The programme continues to support the development of the value chains of speciality cocoa, sustainable tourism and sustainable construction, adding greater scope to the natural ingredients chain and incorporating the speciality coffee chain.

Project partners

  • National Planning Department (DNP)
  • Presidency of the Republic (Presidential Counsel for Competitiveness and Public-Private Management CPCGPP)
  • Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MINCIT)
  • iNNpulsa Colombia
  • Confecámaras
  • Private Competitiveness Council
  • Presidential Agency for International Cooperation (APC)


Programme results (2017-2020)

Public policy support

  1. 14 public policy projects were supported in 5 strategic areas for the country, such as Innovation, Regional Competitiveness, Public Policy Analysis, Government Efficiency, Business Development and Entrepreneurship.
  2. 14 reforms, laws, resolutions and decrees were developed.
  3. Government institutions were provided with more than 6 instruments and 6 methodologies for the development, implementation and/or updating of public policy.

Value chain development

  1. Increased exports: for example, 76 tons of cocoa for a value of USD $258,670, 7 tons of monkey pot oil, and in the tourism sector increased foreign exchange earnings by USD $118,099
  2. 4 chains were supported: speciality cocoa, sustainable construction, nature tourism and natural ingredients.
  3. 314 smallholder farms and organisations were strengthened.
  4. More than 20 departments were served.
  5. The technical production and processing capacities of more than 1,500 people were improved.
  6. More than 10 methodologies and instruments for the modernisation and sophistication of the 4 chains were designed, transferred and/or implemented.

Supporting policy dialogue

  1. 3 methodologies and 2 instruments were developed. 
  2. Technical capacities were strengthened in the strategic areas, institutions and prioritised value chains.

Expected results (2021-2024)

At the impact level, it is expected to contribute mainly to the improvement of the following indicators:

  1. Number of jobs created, retained or improved
  2. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in CO2
  3. Contribution of the programme to improved performance on sub-national competitiveness indicators
  4. Dispersion of competitiveness scores at sub-national level