One in five Ugandans lives in extreme poverty and more than a third live on less than USD 1.90 per day. 67% of the population is employed in the agricultural sector, in which cocoa and honey have been identified as strategic national focus areas. The market potentials in these two sectors in Uganda present significant untapped opportunities as both produce do not meet market demand. The market supply gap is mainly attributed to limited access to good production practices. The project is thus addressing insufficient agricultural know-how, lack of production volume and quality, and non-transparent business relations within these two value chains.
The project facilitates extension services and trainings offered to cocoa farmers and beekeepers by farmer organisations and SMEs. As a result, the farmers augment their know-how and skills in the production of cocoa and honey, enabling them to enhance quality and achieve higher production volumes. At the same time, the farmers as members of farmer organisations are supported in selling their products. Farmer organisations gain negotiating skills, build stable relations with buyers, and develop new markets. The smallholder farmers thus generate living wages by means of the successful integration into the market system and improve their and their families’ living situation.
Furthermore, investments by public and private actors shall be triggered to enhance the sector coordination and development of improved standards and regulations. Specifically, the access to financial services and products is promoted for farmers to develop and grow their economic activities.
Additionally, in particular women and young adults of cocoa growing households are involved in food crop production, thereby improving not only their income but also the nutritional situation of their families.
This project is financed by Linsi Foundation, City of Zurich, Medicor Foundations, canton of Baselland, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.