Selva Nevada (SN)
The bioeconomy aims to promote ecological prosperity in the critical deforestation hotspots in Colombia, particularly in the project areas located in the departments of Caquetá, Putumayo, and Sucre. The bioeconomy promotes the efficient management of natural resources through innovation, and in this particular case applied to forest fruits: Açaí, Camu camu, Copoazu, and Corozo.
This project focuses on enhancing applied research and bioeconomy product development for sustainable management of ACCC, which include:
The project also aims to enhance agroecology and agroforestry practices for land restoration and market integration of producers, improving government ability to develop policies to incubate and accelerate competitive bioeconomy products, developing a robust traceability system for Non-Timber Forest Products NTFPs, and creating a financing model that rewards ecosystem services provided by ACCC producers.
The project seeks transformative change in the Natural Ingredients Sub-sector by strengthening a multi-stakeholder platform to improve competitiveness and governance. The platform aims to promote collaboration across farmer associations, SMEs, business chambers, research institutions, and national and local public entities, enabling a more effective contribution to the sustainability and inclusiveness of the NTFP and agroforestry sectors.
With support from UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT), the project will expand these governance models to the four selected value chains (Asaí; Camu camu; Copuazú; and Corozo, ACCC), fostering their long-term sustainability through ongoing support. The project helps four producers’ associations with 35% women, to improve agroforestry practices and market access in the ACCC supply chains for Selva Nevada, a Colombian company in the bioeconomy sector specialised in natural food products. Selva Nevada respects sustainable harvesting and supports local communities, promoting environmental conservation and social responsibility.