Jobs and Income
By December 2017, 4.8 million SMEs and farmers will have increased their income by USD 689 million. Katalyst’s interventions resulted in creating more than 800,000 full-time equivalents. Jobs in farms and SMEs were a direct result of these efforts, but there were also indirect results in the form of new jobs in various associated value chains, created by increased income and spending.
Poverty-Oriented Focus
Katalyst systematically applied the Grameen Foundation’s Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI). 76% of beneficiaries (farmers and small business owners) were living below the upper poverty line (less than 2.5 USD per day), and 23% below the lower poverty line (less than 1.25 USD per day). The PPI helped to design interventions towards a more poverty-oriented focus.
Quantitative Achievements
Katalyst exceeded all targets given by its donors and the government of Bangladesh by leaps and bounds, laying a foundation for successful scaling-up by applying the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. Katalyst has facilitated 309 interventions during 2000-2017. The below examples are drawn from those interventions.
Qualitative Achievements