Perspectives - Mobilising the Diaspora and Young Professionals

Within the framework of cooperation with Tunisia, the programme developed by the Swiss Confederation aims to involve the Tunisian diaspora in the sustainable development of Tunisia and to promote skilled circular migration between Tunisia and other European countries, including Switzerland.
The aim is to mobilise the capacities of members of the diaspora to invest their financial resources and rebuild links with communities in their country of origin. Young professional graduates are given the opportunity to gain new practical work experience in Switzerland, which will facilitate their reintegration into Tunisia.
Tunis, Tunisie
Switzerland, Tunisia
Project duration
2022 - 2026
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
  • SEM: State Secretariat for Migration

The project

The engagement of the Tunisian diaspora in Switzerland.

To facilitate investment and the transfer of know-how between the diaspora and Tunisian SMEs, the programme promotes the development of partnerships between private sector actors and financial institutions.

The aim is to develop innovative promotional instruments that support the flow of finance and the exchange of know-how. This includes identifying and creating institutional platforms for increased diaspora engagement and developing private initiatives in Tunisia.

As a Tunisian resident in Switzerland, you can participate in the project that supports the development of Tunisia (investment, creation of an activity, exchange of skills, or networking); please get in touch with Carole Schaber at [email protected]

Promoting the circular migration of young talents

The second priority promotes the circular migration of qualified young Tunisians who have completed their studies or are still undergoing vocational training.

The programme creates structures and tools that make it easier for qualified young Tunisians to come into contact with Swiss companies, acquire new skills, and develop their professional reintegration project upon their return to Tunisia.

The aim is to enable young people to gain new experience and develop professional skills. In this way, they can improve their employability upon their return to Tunisia and make a concrete contribution to the Tunisian economy.

The project is part of the agreement for young professionals between Switzerland and Tunisia and aims to facilitate obtaining a temporary work visa for internships and vocational training.

The offer is aimed at Swiss companies that need additional human resources. You are willing to employ motivated young Tunisian professionals or provide training in your branch in Tunisia with subsequent employment. Your contact: Marc-Olivier Roux [email protected]


As a young university graduate, you have the opportunity to gain professional experience, apply your knowledge and acquire new skills in a company in Switzerland for one year. This offers you the best conditions to support your business project in Tunisia subsequently. Do not hesitate to contact Ines Chaieb at [email protected].

Development of effective government structures

Activities focus on supporting the Tunisian authorities in building effective local, regional, and strategic governance structures.

The focus is on implementing concrete government measures to integrate migration into the policy framework.

The potential of migration for the socio-economic development of a country (both the country of origin and the country of residence) is undisputed. The resources of the diaspora go far beyond the economic dimension, considering the know-how, experience, professional skills, and networks that these people have built up in other countries. To make the most of this potential, the project supports the Tunisian government in creating an effective legal framework. This will align Tunisian development with the new migration strategy and prepare an enabling environment for using human and financial capital.


Labour market insertion, Migration
Skills and Innovation: A Bridge Between Switzerland and Tunisia
On 21 January 2024, Swisscontact brought together representatives from the private sector, entrepreneurs from the Tunisian diaspora in Switzerland and institutional partners for an event to promote skills exchange between Switzerland and Tunisia. Around 120 people attended the event in Lausanne.