PRABRIDDHI – Local Economic Development

Bangladesh’s economy has been steadily growing over the last three decades with GDP growth rates above 5% over the last 10 years. Not all regions of Bangladesh however were able to benefit to the same extent from the economic transformation brought by this impressive GDP growth. As decentralization remains an important element of the 7th Five Year Plan (FYP) of the government, new approaches such as Local Economic Development (LED) have entered the sphere of the local government mission. 
Jashore Municipality, Bangladesh
Bhairab Municipality, Bangladesh
Shibganj Municipality, Bangladesh
Bogura Municipality, Bangladesh
Dinajpur Municipality, Bangladesh
Kushtia Municipality, Bangladesh
Project duration
2020 - 2025
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

The project

The 7th FYP recognizes that the rural development contributes significantly to the economic development of the whole country and supports Bangladesh’s ambition to reach the status of “middle-income” country. In recent years, established and democratically elected Local Government Institutions (LGIs) at union, upzilla and municipal levels have gained weight in national debates on local governance and decentralization. This will support and renew the decentralization process. 

PRABRIDDHI focuses on building the capacity of an urban or rural territory to create a competitive advantage for its enterprises through a broad set of activities and improve the economic well-being of its people and workers. PRABRIDDHI is essentially participatory short-term planning, bottom-up designed, owned and delivered, relying on public-private collaboration with an iterative, transparent and open-ended process.

PRABRIDDHI is funded by SDC and implemented by Swisscontact. It has started a 24-month long pilot or inception phase (originally 18 month long but later extended by 6 months) in August 2018 in two selected municipalities of Bangladesh, Jashore and Shibganj. The objective of the pilot phase was:

  1. To build capacity of municipality level institutions and test the feasibility of the LED process through municipalities;
  2. To design a scale up phase of the project in additional municipalities based on the pilot experiences with a national level anchor.


Expected Results by 2025:

  • Benefit 40,000 people through increase of net additional income of CHF 4.5 million
  • Create 45,000 additional labor days
  • Support partner municipalities to generate additional revenue of CHF 500,000 through improved service provision
  • Develop LED toolkit based on the contextualized LED model for Bangladesh and anchor it with suitable national level partner to ensure wider replication of the LED model in future


Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Unveiling Key Advances in Production at Jashore Light Engineering Fair 2024
Jashore Municipality hosted the Light Engineering Fair 2024 on December 4th and 5th, showcasing the district's vital contribution to Bangladesh’s local economic development. Supported by the PRABRIDDHI initiative, the fair showcased the remarkable innovation and growth potential of Jashore’s thriving Light Engineering (LE) sector, marking a significant milestone in reinforcing Jashore’s position as a center for engineering excellence and innovation.
Transforming Smaller Urban Centres through Local Economic Development
At the World Urban Forum 12 Egypt in Cairo, hosted by the UN-Habitat, PRABRIDDHI project showcased its “Bangla Local Economic Development (LED) Model” highlighting the power of decentralised urban governance to empower secondary cities and drive resilient communities.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Youth and municipality cleans up Bogura city with strategic support from PRABRIDDHI
PRABRIDDHI supported a group of youth volunteers who approached the municipality for a cleanup campaign. This collaboration aligns with PRABRIDDHI’s Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management initiative, focusing on waste segregation and sustainable practices, turning the city's recovery into a community-driven success.