Colombia’s economy largely depends on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which contribute 80% of employment and 40% of the country’s GDP. However, their growth potential is hindered by low productivity and limited innovation capacity. Additionally, there is a gap between existing support programs and the specific needs of individual SMEs. Most initiatives provide generic solutions that fail to address the unique challenges and opportunities of each business. Private consulting services are often too expensive or difficult to assess in terms of quality, and SMEs have little access to affordable regional and international expertise.
With the right support at the right time, Colombian SMEs can overcome challenges and improve their quality, productivity, and efficiency. To provide this support, the project is building a unique pool of expertise. SMEs can access the vast experience of volunteer experts from Latin America, particularly Guatemala, El Salvador, and Colombia, as well as Europe. This approach offers SMEs a cost-effective and sustainable solution to their challenges. Through SEC advisory services, businesses can unlock their growth potential and better integrate into global value chains.
The project aims to establish a locally anchored pool of experts, connecting SMEs with volunteer Senior Experts from Latin America and Europe. By developing a first prototype in South America, the foundation is laid for the creation of a regional expert network in Latin America.
Tailored short-term advisory services provided by volunteer local, regional, and international experts enhance the competitiveness of SMEs, contributing to job creation and poverty reduction. The goal is to foster South-South knowledge exchange, enabling individualized solutions, quality improvements, and increased revenue for SMEs.
By anchoring the project in Colombia, the long-term sustainability of expert assignments and ongoing support for SMEs is ensured. A key element of the project is the development of a business model and the promotion of South-South knowledge exchange.
The project launches as the first prototype in South America, aiming to connect and expand the network of volunteer experts from Central America to South America, as well as to Europe. In the long run, the vision is to scale and expand this model to additional countries and regions.
This project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.