Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Phase II (2022-2026) project seeks to enhance opportunities for gainful (self-) employment and poverty reduction among vulnerable young Tanzanians. The project focuses on improving access, relevance, and quality of vocational skills development (VSD) for youth aged 15-24, including young mothers.
Mbeya, Tanzania
Iringa, Tanzania
Morogoro, Tanzania
Project duration
2022 - 2026
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Our Approach

SET works closely with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) and other public and private stakeholders to complement government efforts in youth empowerment. It facilitates demand-driven, short-term, and non-formal vocational training aimed at increasing employment prospects for economically, socially, and academically disadvantaged youth in the Morogoro, and Iringa regions.

Key components of the SET approach include:

  • Labour Market Alignment: Conducting market studies and skill needs analyses to tailor training curricula to the demands of local labor markets while ensuring private sector involvement.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Implementing a participatory CPD program in selected Folk Development Colleges (FDCs) to improve teaching techniques and learning environments.

Youth-Focused VSD Projects: Supporting training providers with funding and quality assurance to facilitate effective non-formal vocational training and provide related services, such as market linkages, access to finance, and work-based learning opportunities.

Project partners

  • Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST)
  • Public and private training providers
  • Private companies
  • Local non-governmental organisations

Financing Partners

SET is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania and is implemented by Swisscontact.

Expected Results

  • 10,000 youth benefit from newly introduced Vocational Skills Development programmes (at least 60% female and at least 10% are young mothers)
  • 15,000 youth indirectly benefiting from project interventions
  • At least 60 contributions towards a more inclusive or more labour market relevant VET system
  • At least 80 companies or professional organisations contributing to relevant VSD
  • 300 teachers in non-formal VSD including FDC teachers and teaching staff from training providers improved their teaching competence


Initial vocational education and training
Through Horticulture to a Livestock Farmer: The story of Rachel
Rachel received training from the SET project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania. The training was organized and conducted by Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) on organic horticulture production. She was trained on growing vegetables, like cabbage, tomato, okra, and various kind of greens as well as on how to prepare organic fertilizers using local materials.
Initial vocational education and training
Diversifying Businesses to Change Life: The story of Anipha
Anipha grew up in Ulaya village, Kilosa District. “After having a baby four years ago, I stayed at home, depending on my parents for all basic needs. But now I’m determined and focused on making my own money and changing my life. For me, any opportunity I see is a business to start with.” says Anipha.
Initial vocational education and training
Swisscontact celebrates Women’s achievement in Vocational Education in Tanzania
In commemoration of International Women's Day, Swisscontact in Tanzania joins the world in celebrating women and their achievements. This year’s theme should inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion to forge a better world.